Need Help with Custom Starting Solar System (2024)

Emperor Empoleon


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Jun 23, 2016
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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #1

So I tried to change game files by adding several new custom starting solar systems, like the Sol Sytem or the Deneb System a player could choose as the capital system.

I tried to add the ancient capitals of the precursor empires with a small alteration: the ancient capitals of the Yuht, Vultaum, First League, and the Irassians are not barren but habitable.

However, there were problems (except for the First League Starting Home System for some reason). TheYuht system capital isn't in Yuhtaan Majoris, but rather in some weird room with only 6 tile spaces. Not only that, but Yuhtaan Majoris isn't called that, but some generic name from the name lists.

The Vultaum capital is an oceanic world, but the thing is that it's size 50 when it's supposed to be size 25. It's supposed to have 2 moons, but it doesn't. The capital world only has 2 Power Plants and literally nothing else from the giant behemoth. And the capital world is where the gas giant is supposed to be.

The Irassian home system is missing planets after the Irassian capital.

So could anyone help me with that one? If anyone's interested in helping, I'm willing to send codes (and pictures) to help explain the situation! Thanks!



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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #2

It would help if you provide code for your intializers.

Are you trying to make homeworlds your starting system?

I also suspect empire spawning would override names, though you can probably use flags and events to rename it back on game start.

Emperor Empoleon


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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #3

Here's the vanilla file for the prescripted solar systems and the custom solar systems I wanted to add is uploaded.

I'll have to admit. I'm not good at mod creations. I've only done simple ones like custom name lists and giving nations FE ships.

Here's an example from the Custom Home Systems text. It shows the Yuht Home System, which I attempted to change some codes to make it a Starting Solar System. The problem is that the capital ends up being on some 6-tile moon and not on the main capital, Yuhtaan Majoris, a 25-tile planet. Yuhtaan Minoris, a moon orbiting Yuhtaan Majoris, isn't named as that and I'm trying to fix it.

On both the Yuht Solar System and the Vultaum Solar System, there are major problems. For the Vultaum, the capital is a giant 50-sized oceanic world (which isn't supposed to happen) and only has 2 Power Plant buildings. It's supposed to be 25-sized and supposed to have 2 moons orbiting it.

Anyways, here's the Yuht Solar System:


### Yuht Home Systemyuhtaan_system = { name = "NAME_Yuhtaan" class = "sc_m" asteroids_distance = 125 init_effect = { every_neighbor_system = { set_star_flag = empire_cluster every_neighbor_system = { set_star_flag = empire_cluster } } } flags = { empire_home_system yuhtaan_system } usage = custom_empire planet = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan" class = "pc_m_star" orbit_distance = 0 orbit_angle = 1 size = 25 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_Majoris" class = "pc_arid" orbit_distance = 50 orbit_angle = 76 size = 25 has_ring = no entity = "arid_planet_01_entity" tile_blockers = none modifiers = none init_effect = { prevent_anomaly = yes } init_effect = { random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no num_adjacent_tiles > 3 } set_building = "building_capital_1" add_resource = { resource = energy amount = 1 replace = yes } random_neighboring_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_hydroponics_farm_1" add_resource = { resource = food amount = 2 replace = yes } } random_neighboring_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_hydroponics_farm_1" add_resource = { resource = food amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_neighboring_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_power_plant_1" add_resource = { resource = energy amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_neighboring_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_mining_network_1" add_resource = { resource = minerals amount = 2 replace = yes } } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_basic_science_lab_1" random_list = { 33 = { add_resource = { resource = engineering_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } 33 = { add_resource = { resource = physics_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } 33 = { add_resource = { resource = society_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_mining_network_1" add_resource = { resource = minerals amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_failing_infrastructure" add_resource = { resource = engineering_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_failing_infrastructure" add_resource = { resource = society_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_failing_infrastructure" add_resource = { resource = physics_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_decrepit_dwellings" add_resource = { resource = energy amount = 2 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_decrepit_dwellings" add_resource = { resource = food amount = 2 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_decrepit_dwellings" add_resource = { resource = minerals amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_power_plant_1" add_resource = { resource = energy amount = 2 replace = yes } } } moon = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_Minoris" class = "pc_barren_cold" size = 5 orbit_distance = 12 orbit_angle = 40 has_ring = no } } planet = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_II" class = "pc_barren" orbit_distance = 25 orbit_angle = 60 size = 20 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_III" class = "pc_barren_cold" orbit_distance = 20 orbit_angle = 175 size = 15 has_ring = yes } planet = { class = "pc_asteroid" orbit_distance = 30 orbit_angle = -210 size = 5 has_ring = no } planet = { class = "pc_asteroid" orbit_distance = 0 orbit_angle = -95 size = 5 has_ring = no } planet = { class = "pc_asteroid" orbit_distance = 0 orbit_angle = 285 size = 5 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_IV" class = "pc_gas_giant" orbit_distance = 40 orbit_angle = -160 size = 30 has_ring = no change_orbit = 6 moon = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_IVa" class = "pc_barren_cold" size = 6 orbit_distance = 10 orbit_angle = 110 has_ring = no } moon = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_IVb" class = "pc_frozen" size = 6 orbit_distance = 2.5 orbit_angle = 10 has_ring = no } moon = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_IVc" class = "pc_frozen" size = 9 orbit_distance = 2.5 orbit_angle = 80 has_ring = no } } planet = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_V" class = "pc_gas_giant" orbit_distance = 30 orbit_angle = -130 size = 30 has_ring = yes change_orbit = 6 moon = { name = "NAME_Yuthaan_Va" class = "pc_frozen" size = 6 orbit_distance = 16 orbit_angle = 110 has_ring = no } }}


  • prescripted_species_systems.txt

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  • Custom Home Systems.txt

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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #4

First of all, you don't really need to speciffy generic entity, game will pick it for itself. I am not sure if it causes scaling problems.
Second, you seem to have forgotten starting_planet = yes. Chances are, it tries to pick its best option and picks gas giant.

It is also likely you don't see the moons because bloated planet ate them. As in, they spawned inside the planet's model.

I admit that while I have some experience with system initializers, I never created custom starters.

  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #5

Thank you! The capital systems appear in the right place.

But, there's a problem with scaling. Particularly, with the Vultaum and Irrassian Systems. The gas giant seems to inside the star and for the Irassian system, the asteroids are completely off. Can you help me on this one?


  • Irassian System Problem.png

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  • Vultaumaur System Problem.png

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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #6

Must be orbit distance problem. Orbit counts from the centre of the model, so size too big+orbit to small means bodies are close to each other or even inside each others.

Your code also lacks count = parameter (Should define how many planets based on this code do you want to appear, useful to have completely random systems) which, if what system initializer does with other missing parameters is any indication would result in random picks, so it's possible you are spawning more planets than you intended, hence asteroids also spawn further away.

Emperor Empoleon


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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #7

Crud. I can't make comparisons to my Vultaumaur System to the actual counterpart. Using console commands to force the spawn is hard too. Is there a way to force the location of the Precursor Home Systems?



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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #8

You'll need a custom event since the whole deal is tied to flagged systems.

I'm looking at the vanilla precursor systems though and I can tell you did not use the same orbit distances. I was wrong about "count = " being randomized. But you clearly miscalculated orbit distance in your initializer. Remember, those things add up.

So, you need to fix orbit distances. Planet too close to the previous? Increase the distance. Moon insersects with the orbit of another planet - increase orbit distance for its primary or decrease its own until it doesn't. Planet eats its moons - increase moon orbits or decrease planet size. When placing asteroids, add all previous orbit distances together - this is where the belt should be (Alternatively move asteroid planets around)

Emperor Empoleon


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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #9

I had to revert everything and start anew. So far, everything looks fine. Problems so far:


  • missing 3 gas giant planets (one of them with 2 moons) after the Irassian capital world


  • Nothing so far. All seems good.

First League:

  • Nothing so far. All seems good.


  • Yuthaan Minoris isn't named "Yuthaan Minoris," but rather as some generic name from the name lists.

My big issue is with the Irassian homeworld. For the Yuhts, I can just simply change the name to "Yuthaan Minoris" via console commands.

Another problem I encountered is when I spawned the actual precursor home systems, my version of the precursor systems pop up and not the actual versions where the homeworlds look barren and broken. Is there a way to fix this? Also, on the starting screen, there's a bit of an error. I can't explain it very well so I uploaded a file to show it.

Last thing, but while I change the game codes, I don't know how to make it as a separate mod. Can you help me on that? The Stellaris wiki page seems convoluted for me so I'm hoping you know how.


  • description.png

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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #10

Here's how to create a place for mod files and make it work:
There's also articles with guides, although those are incomplete.

Also in your documents there's an error log which could help understand what is wrong. Can you once again provide code for the problematic systems?

As for the system and description, you need to create localization file. See localization folder for formatting and placement. The game even helpfully shows you what string do you need to use.

System should not have the same id (Here ids are the the very top thing, that is:
this_is_the_id = {
and here is the code describing system

Emperor Empoleon


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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #11

Here's one for the Irassians:


### Irassian Home Systemirass_system = { name = "NAME_Irass" class = "sc_f" asteroids_distance = 125 init_effect = { every_neighbor_system = { set_star_flag = empire_cluster every_neighbor_system = { set_star_flag = empire_cluster } } } flags = { empire_home_system irass_system } usage = custom_empire planet = { name = "NAME_Irass" class = "pc_f_star" orbit_distance = 0 orbit_angle = 1 size = 26 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_I" class = "pc_molten" orbit_distance = 35 orbit_angle = 40 size = 15 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_II" class = "pc_molten" orbit_distance = 20 orbit_angle = 210 size = 25 has_ring = yes } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_III" class = "pc_toxic" orbit_distance = 20 orbit_angle = 70 size = 20 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_IV" class = "pc_barren" orbit_distance = 20 orbit_angle = 275 size = 15 has_ring = no } planet = { class = "pc_asteroid" orbit_distance = 30 orbit_angle = -210 size = 5 has_ring = no } planet = { class = "pc_asteroid" orbit_distance = 0 orbit_angle = -95 size = 5 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_V" class = "pc_barren" orbit_distance = 30 orbit_angle = 45 size = 20 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_VI" class = "pc_gas_giant" orbit_distance = 50 orbit_angle = 145 size = 35 has_ring = no moon = { name = "NAME_Irassia" class = "pc_tropical" orbit_distance = 20 orbit_angle = 176 size = 25 starting_planet = yes has_ring = no tile_blockers = none modifiers = none init_effect = { prevent_anomaly = yes } init_effect = { random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no num_adjacent_tiles > 3 } set_building = "building_capital_1" add_resource = { resource = energy amount = 1 replace = yes } random_neighboring_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_hydroponics_farm_1" add_resource = { resource = food amount = 2 replace = yes } } random_neighboring_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_hydroponics_farm_1" add_resource = { resource = food amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_neighboring_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_power_plant_1" add_resource = { resource = energy amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_neighboring_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_mining_network_1" add_resource = { resource = minerals amount = 2 replace = yes } } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_basic_science_lab_1" random_list = { 33 = { add_resource = { resource = engineering_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } 33 = { add_resource = { resource = physics_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } 33 = { add_resource = { resource = society_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_mining_network_1" add_resource = { resource = minerals amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_failing_infrastructure" add_resource = { resource = engineering_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_failing_infrastructure" add_resource = { resource = society_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_failing_infrastructure" add_resource = { resource = physics_research amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_decrepit_dwellings" add_resource = { resource = energy amount = 2 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_decrepit_dwellings" add_resource = { resource = food amount = 2 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_blocker = "tb_decrepit_dwellings" add_resource = { resource = minerals amount = 1 replace = yes } } random_tile = { limit = { has_blocker = no has_building = no } set_building = "building_power_plant_1" add_resource = { resource = energy amount = 2 replace = yes } } } } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_VII" class = "pc_gas_giant" orbit_distance = 20 orbit_angle = 145 size = 20 has_ring = no moon = { name = "NAME_Irass_VIIa" class = "pc_frozen" size = 8 orbit_distance = 12 orbit_angle = 320 has_ring = no } moon = { name = "NAME_Irass_VIIb" class = "pc_frozen" size = 8 orbit_distance = 4 orbit_angle = 150 has_ring = no } } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_VIII" class = "pc_gas_giant" orbit_distance = 20 orbit_angle = 145 size = 25 has_ring = no } planet = { name = "NAME_Irass_IX" class = "pc_barren_cold" orbit_distance = 20 orbit_angle = 45 size = 15 has_ring = no }}

Also, I don't know what you mean by the System ID's. Can you highlight it to show what you mean?



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  • Jun 22, 2017
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  • #12

In your case id is this: irass_system
If you didn't change it, you are probably overwriting the system.

Your brackets aren't closed properly. code for planet still going past its due and incorporates code for the next planets. Hence they don't spawn. Find what you failed to close. Do you use notepad++ or similar decent editor that can highlight such things?

Emperor Empoleon


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  • Jun 23, 2017
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  • #13

So the only thing I need to change is the "irass_system" and that's it? What do I change it to? Do I change it from "irass_system" into "Irass System"?

Also, the problem is that I don't think I found the coding where the brackets are not closed properly. I thought I fixed it, but apparently it isn't. Could you help me on that?

Unrelated question, how do you mod name lists properly? Mine isn't showing up.



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  • Jun 23, 2017
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  • #14

You lost a bracket for init_effect in the Issaria. You also forgot to shift it which makes it harder to see.

It's best if you give your mod a prefix that is unlikely to be repeated to avoid conflict with other mods. For example, if you named your mod Emperor Empoleon Solar Systems, you should have your ids start with eess_ and call your system eess_issaria. And it should not have spaces in it, obviously. It's an ID used by game, players shouldn't see it.

Emperor Empoleon


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  • Jun 23, 2017
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  • #15
I got it! Need Help with Custom Starting Solar System (491) I finally fixed it!

The only issue is that the Irassian home system has a weird orbit cross with its home moon and another gas giant, but then the vanilla one has it too so I won't bother with it.

Other than that, everything is in place! Thank you so much!

Scratch that... look at my following post below...

Last edited:

Emperor Empoleon


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  • Jun 23, 2017
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  • #16

Scratch that. It worked before. Now it doesn't work.

On the custom localisation file I used, I placed in "Test System" in the DESC script. Now the entire thing is broken and I think I may need to redo it again. It used to work thoooo >.>

Here's the coding for the localisation file and I uploaded the current state. For the localisation file, I made sure to keep it as a YML file and kept it at UTF-8-BOM encoder thing. Can anyone help?


l_english: fen_habbanis_system_initializer_NAME:0 "Fen Habbanis System" fen_habbanis_system_initializer_DESC:0 "The precursor empire First League's starting solar system.\n\n$system_initializer_DESC$" irass_system_initializer_NAME:0 "Irass System" irass_system_initializer_DESC:0 "The precursor empire Irassian Concordat's starting solar system.\n\n$system_initializer_DESC$" vultaum_system_initializer_NAME:0 "Vultaum System" vultaum_system_initializer_DESC:0 "The precursor empire Vultaum Star Assembly's starting solar system.\n\n$system_initializer_DESC$" yuhtaan_system_initializer_NAME:0 "Yuhtaan System" yuhtaan_system_initializer_DESC:0 "The precursor empire Yuht Empire's starting solar system.\n\n$system_initializer_DESC$"


  • Untitled.png

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  • Jun 23, 2017
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  • #17

I am quite frankly lost. It should work. Are you sure you placed it in the right place, named it the right name? Are you sure ids all match?

Emperor Empoleon


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Jun 23, 2016
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  • Jun 23, 2017
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  • #18

Yup. Everything is what it's supposed to be. It still doesn't work. I'll send in the text file as well and show the descriptor file and the mod file.


name="Precursor Civilization Mods"path="mod/precursor_civilization"tags={ "Gameplay"}supported_version="1.6.2"


l_english: fen_habbanis_system_initializer_NAME:0 "Fen Habbanis System" fen_habbanis_system_initializer_DESC:0 "The precursor empire First League's starting solar system.\n\n$system_initializer_DESC$" irass_system_initializer_NAME:0 "Irass System" irass_system_initializer_DESC:0 "The precursor empire Irassian Concordat's starting solar system.\n\n$system_initializer_DESC$" vultaum_system_initializer_NAME:0 "Vultaum System" vultaum_system_initializer_DESC:0 "The precursor empire Vultaum Star Assembly's starting solar system.\n\n$system_initializer_DESC$" yuhtaan_system_initializer_NAME:0 "Yuhtaan System" yuhtaan_system_initializer_DESC:0 "The precursor empire Yuht Empire's starting solar system.\n\n$system_initializer_DESC$"


  • fen_habbanis_system_initializer.txt

    5,4 KB· Views: 1

  • irass_system_initializer.txt

    6,2 KB· Views: 0

  • vultaum_system_initializer.txt

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  • yuhtaan_system_initializer.txt

    6 KB· Views: 0



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  • #19

Did you ever get this working?

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