Help: Solar system creation (2024)

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  • May 11, 2016
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  • #1

Hi i wanted to create a custom solar system that i could start with, but i am just too stupid to get it to work so i'm asking for help here. I have already read the wiki and and had a look at the example file but i just don't understand it properly. Here's the solar system i was trying to get to work, i also tried to replace the Deneb systems planets and star with my custom stats but that didn't work ether so i am at a loss here what to do.


  • Custom Star system.txt

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  • #2

It could be the type of star that you have, I don't know if you can have a pulsar as the main. I don't think i've seen one with a habitable planet.

Also where is the Wiki for custom solar system? I am apparently blind to that.



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  • #3

Alright, took a look at what you have, I think for a first outing you went to hard. Here is a one planet system with a moon and one asteroid as well. It has the pulsar star you wanted as well. To make more planets copy TH-001, rename, change planet type. For more habitable planets you have to pick a habitable planet type. You don't have to set what all the tiles on the planet are. They will be random if not selected I believe.

To find modifiers and other planet types look in


Lastly here is the file. Copy it on to the end of the "prescripted" file in

If you are going to modify the system do it by its self in before pasting it into the master .txt

Hope this helped.

Edit: the orbit of a planet is the distance between it and the planet before it. while the rotation is where it is clockwise around the star. I set the first planet at 1 and work my way from there if I'm going for a look.


  • Try Hard System.txt

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  • #4

As a fun aside, you can easily make a two star system by having the fist two planets be stars, with the first planets orbit set at 3 and the second planet set at 0. it will then look like the two are orbiting each other. Thus making a certain sci-fi planet that a guy named Luke comes from.

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  • #6

Those are to insure that the starting planet has one of each building type and the capital. Also to include them so you can copy/paste them to make the planet to your liking or onto other planets in the system. You do not need those on each planet. The tiles that are not assigned will be filled in at random.

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  • May 14, 2016
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  • #7

Thanks, one more question, where I can change the system name or desciption mentioned in the game? I canť find it anywhere in the scripts



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  • #8

I just made a pictorial guide here: has all the info you might want:

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  • #9

Its the same system as above but makes a mod out of it instead of changing the vanilla files



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  • May 14, 2016
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  • #10

Just going to jump in here if no one minds. How do the neighboring systems work? I can never seem to get them anywhere remotely near the first one.



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  • #11

Do you want to add X number of systems in a short distance? if so you have to add more neighbor_system with a short min distance.

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  • May 14, 2016
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  • #12

Alright, thanks.



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  • May 14, 2016
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  • #13

Still can't get it to work. Do you mind looking at my file and seeing whats wrong?

For the record, I still can't get the asteroid fields and total system size to cooperate either.


  • solem system.txt

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  • #14

Yea, Ill give it a look. See if I can figure out whats up.



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  • #15

warchief_will said:

Still can't get it to work. Do you mind looking at my file and seeing whats wrong?

For the record, I still can't get the asteroid fields and total system size to cooperate either.

Alright, I got the first T1's working right, there seems to be a problem with the T2 systems. I'm not sure why but when I activate them in the code it turns off all the neighbor systems and reverts or randoms. I think it might be that you are only allowed to have two set neighbors. I did get it to work once with 4 in a test system. But have since not be able to reproduce it,



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  • #16

Here is your code, everything works except the two T2 systems as stated.


  • Solem.txt

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  • May 14, 2016
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  • #17

Thank you

but I have a problem, I created my system mod according to your tutorial but my system still doesnť show up when creating new empire, donť know whats wrong



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  • #18

Did you select the Mod in the Mod list? It should have a little blue hue on the left of the selection bar. If it didn't show up there then we have a problem, if it did, still a problem but one we can fix.

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  • May 14, 2016
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  • #19

Yeah I selected it like any other mod, if i just put the text file inside stellaris game folder, it works and the system shows up, but not if I set it up as a mod, here are the files if you could please look at them



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  • May 15, 2016
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  • #20

Warchild421 said:

Here is your code, everything works except the two T2 systems as stated.

Thanks for your assistance again. Shame about the tier 2s, but all well. We can't be expected to know the nuances of the code less than a week after release. Again, thanks.

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Help: Solar system creation (2024)


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