Social Security History (2024)



We were directed by legislation enacted in August 1996 to consider a range of technology and materials in the design of a tamper-resistant Social Security card. The legislation placed no boundaries on the type of tamper-resistant material, security features or other enhancements that could be used to display or store information on the Social Security card. Each of the technologies mentioned in the legislation, and others that bear consideration, offer options for making the Social Security card more secure and tamper-resistant. The legislation also requires the Social Security card to be reliable proof of citizenship or legal resident status. This was interpreted as requiring consideration of techniques or technologies that can link the Social Security card to the card holder, such as including identifying information about the number holder on the card itself, or adding the number holder's picture, fingerprint, biometric identifier or combination of such features in or on the card.

The capability of a particular card technology must be considered in terms of the business process in which it will be used. That is, although we have considered card options with varying degrees of technological sophistication, each of the options considered, and many others that are not discussed in this report, are capable of performing the function of the current Social Security card. However, since future uses of the Social Security card are unknown, the prototype Social Security cards developed for and described in this report reflect the capability of different types of cards to meet our current requirements for the Social Security card as well as potential capability to meet future unspecified requirements.

Approach to Card Design

We focused on card designs that allow the Social Security card to function as it does currently, that is, as a visible record of the SSN assigned to the number holder for the purpose of crediting earnings and paying benefits. Therefore, every prototype option developed is, on its face, similar to the current Social Security card in that it displays the number holder's name and assigned SSN. Since the prototype cards also must serve as reliable proof of citizenship or legal resident status, all of the prototype Social Security cards display a statement indicating the number holder's citizenship or noncitizen status at the time of card issuance.

We produced prototype card options that, after accomplishing the basic SSA function, demonstrate a variety of ways of performing additional functions with varying degrees of technological sophistication. The different technological features are intended to demonstrate ways in which the Social Security card could function visually, as it does currently, and in concert with electronic devices that could read and/or verify data encoded on the card itself. These features could allow those who use the Social Security card (e.g.,employers) to access data about the number holder that is not displayed on the card but that could be used to guarantee the card bearer's identity.

All of the prototype options were developed to include physical security features that make counterfeiting difficult. The electronic features provide counterfeit-resistance and enhance the potential usefulness of the Social Security card for assuring the bearer is the number holder. The electronic features also can be adapted to future uses of the Social Security card that might be developed to enhance our customer service.

It also should be noted that rather than developing different colors or appearance features, we used the current Social Security card as the model for the front of all prototype options. This was done to focus attention on card features rather than on colors, logos or artwork. The only change in appearance from the current card (aside from including the citizenship/noncitizen status legends) is removal of the signature line from the front of the card. Space for the number holder's signature has been provided on the reverse of all prototype options, consistent with other plastic card technology standards.

Categories of Plastic Card Technology

The legislation directs us, in part, to develop a prototype Social Security card that is "made of a durable, tamper-resistant material"and "employs technologies that provide security features." The legislation mentions examples of both materials and technologies but does not specify a particular card design or technology. Considering the wide range of materials and technologies currently used in the production and manufacture of all types of plastic (and other material) cards, we developed a strategy to narrow the options.

To facilitate consideration of different kinds of cards, we grouped the various card technologies into three categories. Each category includes card technologies that, while similar in general characteristics, represents a variety of card options that could fulfill the legislative mandate. Rather than developing a card demonstrating each technology within a category, examples of technologies or combinations of technologies within each category were developed. The three categories of card technologies we considered for demonstrating current and future uses of the Social Security card are:

  • Basic cards employing permanent data storage, regardless of how it is stored, encoded or displayed.

This category includes cards made of plastic, polyester or other durable material. Cards in this category may display information only, or may employ technologies that permit a combination of visible and coded data. The coding technology may involve bar codes, optical storage or other machine readable technologies capable of storing basic text data, pictures, fingerprints, or other biometric data, or a combination of such items. The distinguishing feature of cards in this category is the data is static and there is no potential for loss of data on the card as a result of electrical or magnetic interference, or other degradation, thereby allowing the card and the information on it to be as durable as the current paper Social Security card. We developed four card options representing different technologies within this category.

  • Enhanced cards employing magnetic stripes or other data storage technologies, either alone, or in combination with other security and technology features.

This category includes technologies employing data stored electronically, on a magnetic stripe, that can be read by a variety of card reading devices. Prototype card options in this category would have an appearance similar to the prototype card options in the category above, but these card options have the added capability of storing basic or enhanced data magnetically. The magnetic stripe optionally could be used in future electronic service delivery applications, or in other non-SSA applications. The distinguishing feature of card prototype options in this category is that the card employs a magnetic stripe in addition to other security and/or tamper-resistance features. We developed two card options within this category.

  • Cards employing microprocessor technologies, either alone, or in combination with other security and technological features, compatible with future applications of smart-card technology.

This category includes card technologies that employ microprocessors to process and/or store information, and to interact with other electronic devices. Card prototype options in this category have an appearance similar to the cards in the first category and also employ a magnetic stripe as in the category above. The distinguishing feature of cards in this category is the microprocessor that could interact with other electronic devices in future SSA or non-SSA applications. We developed one option in this category.

The use of any of the technologies mentioned above in connection with the Social Security card must take into consideration the future of the technology itself. That is, a decision to use certain technologies in connection with Social Security cards must recognize that SSNs are assigned for a number holder's lifetime. If the Social Security card relies on a particular technology, that technology, and its successors, will have to be maintained into the future to assure the card's features can be used, when needed.

Considering the frequency with which technological change and improvements occur, the lifespan of many of the technologies that fall within the categories mentioned is considerably less than the expected lifespan of most people. Therefore, employing technology to enhance the functionality of the Social Security card could be viewed as a commitment to periodically issuing new, more sophisticated cards to keep up with improvements in technology. The workload and cost implications of issuing new Social Security cards to maintain their technological currency would have to be justified by a demonstrated need for this functionality among the majority of card holders.

Card Security Features

The current banknote paper Social Security card incorporates security features appropriate to a paper format. The legislation directs us to develop a prototype Social Security card that is counterfeit-resistant and tamper-resistant made of durable, tamper-resistant material, for example plastic or polyester. Although there is no single security technique that is foolproof, there are many techniques that can be used in the construction of plastic cards to meet these requirements. Many card security designs rely on physical features embedded in the card material itself or used in the card construction process. Others rely on combinations of printing and embedded features to make counterfeiting difficult and to make tampering evident. Some anti-tampering techniques are incompatible with others and cannot be used on the same card.

We developed prototype card options that demonstrate different applications of card technology, especially for encoding information on the card. These technologies ultimately are better at preventing counterfeiting or tampering than physical security features because information encoded on a card can be encrypted and made unusable to anyone but authorized users. However, since the Social Security card also has to function visually, certain physical security features have been included in each of the prototype options to make card counterfeiting more difficult and to make tampering evident. These features are similar to those used by commercial credit and debit card manufacturers and for secure identity card programs. While most of the card options we developed employ additional features demonstrating various ways to store data on the card itself (and additional security features), every card described in the report uses a basic combination of physical security features to prevent tampering and make the card counterfeit-resistant.

Following is a description of the security features that are included on each of the prototype Social Security card options.

Four color printing

This is a basic card printing process that is used in the preprinting of blank card stock. The four color process refers to printing using the subtractive combination of the three primary colors, yellow, magenta and cyan, together with black as a sustaining color in order to raise the contrast of the print. The four constituent parts of the image are successively printed on top of one another in exact register. Use of four color printing makes counterfeiting more difficult because the card production equipment that is needed to produce cards through this process is expensive and complex.

Transparent hologram

This is a security feature in which a clear holographic image is bonded to the top surface of the plastic card. This feature complicates counterfeiting and makes tampering evident because both the holographic image itself and how it is registered (i.e., where the image(s) appears on the card surface) create a unique appearance that can be distinguished from copies and if altered will show evidence of tampering. If an attempt is made to remove or alter the holographic topcoat, tampering will be evident without the need of special equipment.

(Note: The transparent hologram used on the prototype Social Security card options demonstrates this capability. An SSA-unique holographic image would be created for actual production.)


This is a printing technology used to produce very small (miniprinting) and microscopic (microprinting) fonts. (Miniprinting can be seen with the naked eye, microprinting can be seen only under magnification.) Miniprinting and microprinting often are combined with other artwork and printing effects on the card surface. Both techniques require sophisticated, expensive printing equipment, making forgery costly and difficult. Accurate reproduction of miniprinting/microprinting cannot be accomplished today by photocopying or by commercially available color photography or color scanners. Microprinting is used on the current Social Security card and on U.S. currency.

Ultraviolet ink

This is a printing technology used to print an image on the card surface that is visible only under ultraviolet light. When properly exposed, the hidden image can be used to verify card authenticity. Forgery is difficult because the special inks used to produce the image in the card surface are difficult to obtain, and in some cases, available only to government agencies or other secure users.

In addition to physical security features used in the construction and printing of plastic cards, special fibers or other material (known as taggants) can be embedded in the card's plastic material to make it unique and even more difficult to counterfeit. Also, material other than plastic can be used for some card applications to make cards more flexible, wear-resistant and to increase durability. Such features, some of which would be invisible, were not used in the prototype Social Security card options. However, additional security features would be selected in addition to the security features described above if specifications are developed for a new Social Security card.

Linking the Number Holder to the Social Security Card

We have interpreted the legislation as requiring us to consider technological enhancements to the Social Security card that could link the card to the assigned number holder so the card could fulfill the legislative requirement that it be reliable proof of citizenship/legal resident status. The only way the Social Security card can, with certainty, assure that the bearer of the card is the assigned number holder is if the number holder's identifying information, picture, fingerprint, or biometric identifier is on the card itself. Then, someone needing assurance the card bearer is the assigned number holder could perform a visual comparison with the number holder's picture or identifying information, or an electronic comparison to a biometric identifier stored on the Social Security card.

To meet this requirement of the legislation, we developed several prototype card options that display the number holder's picture or are capable of storing information such as a biometric identifier. Current Social Security cards do not provide this functionality and the issuance process does not include taking the number holder's picture or capturing identifying data to be included on the card, visually or electronically. To properly assess the total cost and workload implications of prototype Social Security cards that could be used with number holder identification features, it is necessary to understand the process needed to capture pictures or biometric readings in the course of issuing Social Security cards.

We developed hypothetical business processes involving capturing either the number holder's picture or a biometric identifier and then developed estimates of the cost of the typical kinds of equipment needed to perform the various functions associated with each option (e.g., digital image cameras, biometric reading devices, card readers, etc.). Assumptions were made about the changes in our current card issuance business process that would be needed to implement either of these options in connection with Social Security card issuance.

This was not intended to be an exhaustive cost-benefit analysis of all of the picture or biometric technologies currently available for this purpose. Rather, its main purpose was to demonstrate that while the cost of adding pictures or data strips (capable of storing the biometric information) to the Social Security card may result in only minor increases in the cost of the card itself, the total cost of issuing Social Security cards is much greater when personal information such as a picture or biometric reading must be obtained from the number holder and included on the card.

Following are the business process assumptions we used to determine the added cost and workload impact of including the number holder's picture or a biometric identifier on the Social Security card.

Including the number holder's picture on the Social Security card

Including the number holder's picture on the Social Security card would require a business process that is similar to other applications in which a picture is displayed on a plastic card, such as a drivers license or an identification card. Generally, we are assuming a process in which applicants for original SSNs, or those needing replacement Social Security cards and a new picture, will be photographed in an SSA office using state-of-the-art digital photography equipment. The picture data would be processed electronically with other information needed to issue a card. The data would be routed to our central processing facilities and ultimately to a Social Security card production facility, either owned by or under contract to SSA. Social Security cards with the number holder's picture would be mailed from the production facility to the card holder as they are today.

In addition to the time it would add to the issuance process in FOs, implementing a process to capture the number holder's picture would require us to:

  • Install in our facilities throughout the country the equipment needed to take the picture, or to contract with a vendor(s) that could service SSA's 1,300 geographically dispersed sites,
  • Train personnel to operate the equipment and obtain or modify facilities to house the equipment,
  • Modify computer systems to store and process picture data and associate it with other information used to prepare the Social Security card,
  • Modify SSA systems, depending on the final implementation strategy, to allow employees to access the number holder's picture from the central data base, and;
  • Periodically issue a new Social Security card throughout the number holder's lifetime to capture up-to-date pictures (perhaps as frequently as every 5 years, based on current business practices where a picture is used).

For the purposes of this report, we estimated the nominal cost of a prototype Social Security card bearing the number holder's picture, the cost of buying equipment for SSA facilities, and the additional cost in terms of the time added to the current issuance process to capture the picture in an SSA environment. Training, facilities, systems changes, and other related costs would, in a complete assessment of this option, need to be added to these cost estimates to estimate the total cost of implementing a Social Security card bearing the number holder's picture.

Including a biometric identifier on the Social Security card

Biometric identification systems rely on the examination of permanent physiological traits or physical human characteristics such as fingerprints, voice patterns, retinal patterns, etc. Biometric systems use sensors that "read" the physical characteristic, convert it to a digital pattern, and compare it to stored patterns for identification. Whether someone places a finger or hand on a reading device, or a device that captures another physical characteristic, a positive identification can be made of the physical trait. Biometric characteristics are unique to each person, making biometric identity systems virtually foolproof when used properly.

Biometric identification is in use in a wide variety of settings, including many State governments that currently use or are planning to use it for positive identification of public assistance clients or in connection with licensing.

While the use of biometric identification is increasing, it is not universally accepted in our society; any decision to employ this technology in connection with the Social Security card would likely generate public debate of this option. However, it is a realistic method of assuring the card bearer is the assigned number holder and offers the possibility of allowing third parties (e.g., employers) to use electronic devices to identify a Social Security card bearer (by comparing a "live" reading to the data on the card) without needing to contact us. In order to assess the implications of using biometrics in an SSA environment, we chose fingerprint geometry as an example of a biometric technology that could be used to associate the Social Security card to the card bearer. Other biometric identification techniques also could be used.

Including a biometric identifier on the Social Security card would result in a business process similar to what many States are implementing for identifying public assistance clients using their fingerprints. Generally, we are assuming a process in which the fingerprint of applicants for new Social Security cards, or those seeking a replacement card, would be "read" by a state-of-the-art fingerprint imaging device located in SSA offices. The fingerprint data would be routed in the same manner as described for picture data. Social Security cards with the number holder's biometric identifier stored on the card would be mailed from the production facility to the card holder, as they are today.

In addition to the time this would add to the SSN interview, implementing biometric identification of number holders would require us to

  • Install equipment needed to capture biometric readings and read biometric data from Social Security cards in its facilities throughout the country, or contract with a vendor(s) who could serve SSA's 1,300 geographically dispersed sites,
  • Train personnel to operate the equipment and modify facilities to house the equipment,
  • Modify our computer systems to store, process and retrieve biometric data and associate it with other information used to prepare the Social Security card,
  • Modify SSA systems, depending on the final implementation strategy, to allow employers to access the number holder's biometric information from a central, SSA-maintained database.

A central SSA file of fingerprint data (or pictures) for the entire number holder population also would require a high level of physical security to ensure electronic information was not tampered with or misused in any way. Like adding the number holder's picture to the Social Security card, these activities would add considerable cost to issuing cards when compared to the current process. For this report, we estimated the nominal cost of prototype Social Security cards that could store a biometric identifier, the cost of equipment needed for SSA facilities, and the additional cost in terms of time added to the current card issuance process to capture the biometric identifier in an SSA environment. As stated in connection with adding a picture to the Social Security card, training, facilities, related costs, and systems modification costs would need to be added to these cost estimates to understand the total cost of implementing a card containing a biometric identifier.

Issuance Process For Enhanced Social Security Cards

The Social Security card issuance process, as well as many related processes and systems, would be changed by adding citizenship or noncitizen status information, the number holder's picture, or personal biometric information to the Social Security card. The collection, storage and display of this information on the card would make issuing cards more costly for us and more complicated for the public. Among the changes that would be needed in the Social Security card issuance process are:

  • Each application for a card would require the number holder to visit an SSA facility to have a picture or biometric reading taken to be included on the card or to verify the picture or biometric reading against SSA records.
  • The time needed to issue a card would increase by the time needed to capture the number holder's picture or biometric reading; the process would involve more SSA employees, equipment and systems; and necessitate periodic reissuance of all cards (if the number holder's picture is used) to update the picture at established intervals throughout the number holder's lifetime.
  • Including the number holder's picture, biometric or other identifying information on the card would increase its usage for non-SSA purposes (e.g., proof of identity), thereby generating more lost or damaged cards needing replacement and, perhaps, creating incentives for counterfeiting.
  • Including information about the number holder's citizenship or legal resident status on the card would increase SSA replacement card workloads for noncitizens who need a replacement card to reflect status changes.
  • EAB would need to be modified to provide special cards or SSN issuance procedures for infants. Regardless of how SSNs were issued to infants, subsequent contact with us would be needed in the early years of life (e.g., school age) to obtain the number holder's picture or biometric reading.
  • We may need to discontinue taking applications for replacement cards by mail.

The cost analysis section of this chapter, beginning on page 43 provides a discussion of the cost of the current card issuance process and the added costs to issue an enhanced Social Security card as part of the evaluation of the cost and workload implications of issuing a new card to all living number holders. The additional cost of including the number holder's picture or biometric identifier on the card is also discussed in this section.



This section describes the seven card options we developed in response to the legislative mandate to develop a prototype Social Security card that is tamper-resistant and counterfeit-resistant. The description of each card option contains the following information

  • Description of the card,
  • Summary of the card's specifications (i.e., material, security features, etc.),
  • Potential card usage, and
  • Impact on the Social Security card issuance process. (For options that include a picture or a biometric identifier, a discussion of an issuance process that links the number holder to the card by these methods begins on page 22.)

We did not redesign the appearance of the Social Security card. The artwork and colors of the current card have been reproduced on the front of each of the prototype cards. A facsimile of each prototype card option can be found after page 42.

Card Descriptions

Following are descriptions of the prototype Social Security cards:

Option 1--Flexible Plastic Social Security Card

  • Description

    Option 1 is a flexible plastic Social Security card with the number holder's name and assigned SSN flat printed on the front of the card. This option employs all of the physical security features mentioned in the section on card security features in this chapter beginning on page 20. Two versions of option 1 (options 1 and 1A) were developed, one with and one without a statement concerning the number holder's citizenship/noncitizen status. They are identical in all other respects.

  • Specifications

    Technical Features:
    24 millimeter PVC plastic base
    Flat printing
    Complies with ISO/IEC (6) 7810, Identification Cards--Physical Characteristics
    Complies with ISO/IEC 10 373, Identification Cards--Test Methods

    Security Features:
    Four color printing
    Miniprinting and microprinting
    Transparent hologram
    Tamper-resistant signature panel
    Activation label (for verifying the card is received by the number holder.)
    (Demonstrated on option 1A only.)

  • Card Usage

    Option 1 is the most basic Social Security card option and, aside from the addition of the statement regarding citizenship/noncitizen status, would function the same as the current paper card, as a visible record of the SSN assigned to the number holder. Option 1, which displays the number holder's citizenship or noncitizen status, could be used in combination with evidence of the bearer's identity to be reliable proof of the number holder's citizenship/noncitizen status at the time evidence of such status was presented to us.

    (Option 1A, which does not actually display the number holder's citizenship or noncitizen status, also could be used in combination with evidence of the bearer's identity to be reliable proof of the number holder's citizenship/noncitizen status if issued under current procedures.) Since this card option has no encoded or electronically stored data, and no processing capability, it cannot be used to interact with other devices or for conducting transactions that may be part of future SSA or non-SSA business processes.

  • Issuance Process

    The issuance process for card option 1 (and 1A) would be the same as our current card issuance process except that current number holders who have not proven their citizenship, and all noncitizens, would need to prove their citizenship or noncitizen status so the new Social Security card could be considered reliable proof of their status. Although option 1 displays the number holder's citizenship/noncitizen status (or other applicable legends, when appropriate), issuing either option 1 or 1A to applicants for the new card would not require us to capture any additional information. This card also could be issued following the EAB process without any change in that procedure.

    Option 2--Plastic Card With Number Holder's Picture On Back

  • Description

    Option 2 is a rigid plastic Social Security card with the number holder's name and assigned SSN flat printed on the front of the card. This card employs the same physical security features as option 1 to make it tamper-resistant and counterfeit-resistant. In addition, this option demonstrates the capability of displaying the number holder's electronically captured

    picture, gender, and date of birth on the back of the card.

  • Specifications

    Technical Features:
    30 millimeter PVC plastic base
    Flat printing
    Complies with ISO/IEC 7810, Identification Cards--Physical Characteristics
    Complies with ISO/IEC 10 373, Identification Cards--Test Methods

    Security Features:
    Four color printing
    Miniprinting and microprinting
    Transparent hologram
    Digitized color photo with embedded SSN (miniprinting)
    Tamper-resistant signature panel

  • Card Usage

    Card option 2 would improve the functionality of the Social Security card. It would be a record of the SSN assigned to the individual whose name and picture appear on the card. The addition of the number holder's picture and other personal data to the back of the card would make the card reliable proof of the bearer's citizenship/noncitizen status at the time evidence of such status was presented to us. The number holder's picture, personal information and other security features would make the Social Security card nontransferable, more difficult to counterfeit, and more reliable for employers and others who use the card. Card option 2 has no potential for storing encoded data or interacting in electronic transactions.

  • Issuance Process

    The issuance process for a Social Security card bearing the number holder's picture, as demonstrated by option 2, would be significantly different from the current card issuance process. Applicants for new or replacement cards would need to visit FOs to have their picture taken.

    Option 3--Plastic Card With Secure Barcode Storage

  • Description

    Option 3 is a rigid plastic Social Security card with the number holder's name and assigned SSN flat printed on the front of the card. This card employs the same physical security features as option 1 to make it tamper-resistant and counterfeit-resistant. In addition, this card demonstrates the capability of including a secure barcode data storage stripe on its reverse. The secure barcode is a data storage technique that is applied to the back of the card during the card printing operation. It has sufficient capacity to store the number holder's name, SSN, and other identifying information, the number holder's biometric identifier, or other encoded data. The secure barcode can only be read using special devices and cannot be overwritten. Tampering with the barcode stripe makes the information unusable.

    (Note: Barcode security is created by using encrypted data in the barcode.)

  • Specifications

    Technical Features:
    30 millimeter PVC plastic base
    Flat printing
    1,024 byte secure barcode storage strip
    Complies with ISO/IEC 7810, Identification Cards--Physical Characteristics
    Complies with ISO/IEC 10 373, Identification Cards--Test Methods

    Security Features:
    Four color printing
    Miniprinting and microprinting
    Transparent hologram
    Tamper-resistant signature panel

  • Card Usage

    Card option 3 introduces the capability of verifying SSN-related information using the Social Security card itself. The secure barcode storage, if used to store identifying information or a biometric identifier linking the card to the number holder, would allow the card to be used with devices that could read the text or biometric information and compare it to information provided by the card bearer or to a live biometric reading taken from the card bearer.

    Any authorized entity willing to purchase an appropriate card reader and a fingerprint scanner could use the Social Security card as reliable proof of the bearer's citizenship/noncitizen status at the time evidence of such status was presented to us.

    The addition of a biometric identifier to the secure barcode storage stripe would make this Social Security card nontransferable, difficult to counterfeit, and very reliable for employers or others who use the Social Security card.

    Although less of a guarantee of the card bearer's identity (because the card would not contain a biometric identifier that could be used to identify the card bearer), the barcode storage could be used simply to store identifying information about the number holder.

    Due to the technological limitations of secure barcode data storage, card option 3 has no further potential for storing encoded data or interacting in electronic transactions. However, since the secure barcode cannot be overwritten and does not degrade with time, the information stored on the secure barcode stripe would be as durable as the current paper Social Security card, although the technology needed to read and compare the data stored on the secure barcode could become obsolete.

  • Issuance Process

    The issuance process for a Social Security card with secure barcode storage, as demonstrated by option 3, would depend upon how the barcode storage stripe is to be used. If it is used to house only identifying information, the card issuance process would be the same as for option1. Information about the number holder to be stored on the secure barcode would be added during the card production process and would not require us to capture any additional information from individuals during the issuance process. Under those circ*mstances, a Social Security card with secure barcode also could be issued following EAB.

    If the barcode storage is used to house the number holder's biometric identifier, the card issuance process would be similar to option 2, except applicants for Social Security cards

    would need to visit SSA offices to have the biometric identifier captured or verified. The biometric information would be added to the card during the card production process. Under those circ*mstances, special procedures or a temporary card would need to be issued following EAB.

    Option 4--Plastic Card With Optical Memory Storage

  • Description

    Option 4 is a rigid plastic Social Security card with the number holder's name and assigned SSN flat printed on the front of the card. This card employs the same physical security features as option 1 to make it tamper-resistant and counterfeit-resistant. In addition, this card option demonstrates the capability of including an optical memory storage stripe on the back of the card. Optical memory cards utilize CD-ROM technology in card form. They are capable of storing large amounts of data in a secure manner that is highly durable and cannot be overwritten. Data may be added to the card until storage limitations are reached, but it cannot be erased. The optical memory storage stripe on this card option has the capacity to store large amounts of identifying information about the number holder, (e.g., a digitized picture, multiple biometric identifiers) and, potentially, vast amounts of other information. The stored information can be encrypted to ensure access only by authorized entities.

  • Specifications

    Technical Features:
    30 millimeter PVC/polycarbonate base
    Flat printing
    4 megabyte optical storage stripe (capacity of 6.6 megabytes available)

    Security Features:
    Four color printing
    Miniprinting and microprinting
    Transparent hologram
    Tamper-resistant signature panel

  • Card Usage

    Card option 4 is similar to card option 3 in that it provides the capability to verify SSN information using the Social Security card itself, or in combination with a device that obtains a live biometric reading from the card bearer. The optical storage could perform all of the functions that can be performed by secure barcode storage (card option 3) and its data storage capacity makes it useful or adaptable for storing other information. Although data stored on the optical storage stripe becomes permanent, and cannot be overwritten, additional data from future non-SSN applications could be added until capacity limits are reached.

    Optical storage technology is not currently used in financial or other transactions involving online access of data, so future additional uses of this card technology are unknown. However, because the data stored on the card is permanent, with proper care, card option 4 potentially could be as durable as the current paper Social Security card, although the technology needed to read and compare the optically stored data could become obsolete.

  • Issuance Process

    The issuance process for a Social Security card with optical storage, as demonstrated by option 4, would depend upon how the optical storage capability is to be used. Similar to card option 3, if used to house only identifying information, the issuance process would be the same as for option1. If the optical storage is used to house the number holder's picture or biometric identifier, the issuance process would be similar to options 2 and 3 in that applicants for new or replacement cards would need to visit SSA offices to have their picture taken or to have the biometric identifier captured or verified.

    Option 5--Financial Industry Standard Magnetic Stripe Card

  • Description

    Option 5 is a rigid plastic Social Security card with the number holder's name and assigned SSN embossed on the front of the card. This card employs the same physical security features (except the clear holographic topcoat, which is incompatible with embossed printing) as option 1 to make it tamper-resistant and counterfeit-resistant. This option includes additional security features (embossed silver topped lettering and metallized reflective hologram located under the last four digits of the SSN) and demonstrates the capability of including a magnetic stripe that meets financial/credit card industry standards for capacity, durability, and security. Including a magnetic stripe would allow the Social Security card to be adapted to a wide variety of current and future applications that rely on information on the magnetic stripes to provide access to the application. (Note: The reflective hologram used on this prototype card option demonstrates this feature. An SSA-unique hologram would be created for actual production.)

  • Specifications

    Technical Features:
    30 millimeter PVC base
    High coercivity, 3 track magnetic stripe
    Complies with ISO/IEC 7810, Identification Cards--Physical Characteristics
    Complies with ISO/IEC 10 373, Identification Cards--Test Methods

    Security Features:
    Embossed printing through metallized reflective hologram
    Ultraviolet image
    Tamper-resistant signature panel

  • Card Usage

    Card option 5 provides the capability to use a magnetic stripe to perform some of the same capabilities as options 3 and 4, the capability to verify SSN information using the Social Security card itself, or in combination with other devices. The magnetic stripe could be used to store a biometric identifier or personal data about the number holder, or it could perform entirely different functions.

  • Issuance Process

    Information stored on the magnetic stripe would be added during the card production operation. Because it can be overwritten and will degrade over time, it is not as secure as the storage technologies described in options 3 and 4. Also, though the card itself could continue to function as a visible record of the assigned SSN even after the information on the magnetic stripe became unusable, the Social Security card would need to be reissued periodically to all number holders to assure that data stored on the magnetic stripe could be used as intended.

    The issuance process for a Social Security card with a magnetic stripe, as demonstrated by option5, would depend upon how the magnetic stripe is to be used. Similar to other card options, if it is used to store the number holder's biometric identifier, applicants for new or

    replacement cards would need to visit SSA offices to have the biometric identifier captured or verified. If the magnetic stripe was used for other purposes, the card issuance process would be similar to option 1 and could be used with EAB.

    Option 6--ID-Style Magnetic Stripe Card With Picture On Front

  • Description

    Option 6 is a rigid plastic Social Security card with the number holder's name and assigned SSN flat printed on the front of the card. This card employs the same physical security features as option 1 to make it tamper-resistant and counterfeit-resistant. In addition, it demonstrates the capability of including the number holder's picture on the front of the card, similar to an identification card, and a magnetic stripe on the back that is capable of storing the number holder's name, SSN, citizenship status, date of birth, gender and/or a biometric identifier (similar to option 5). The number holder's date of birth and gender also are printed on the back of the card.

  • Specifications

    Technical Features:
    30 millimeter PVC base
    High coercivity, 3 track magnetic stripe
    Complies with ISO/IEC 7810, Identification Cards--Physical Characteristics
    Complies with ISO/IEC 10 373, Identification Cards--Test Methods

    Security Features:
    Transparent hologram
    Ultraviolet image
    Tamper-resistant signature panel
    Tonal color picture on front

  • Card Usage

    Card option 6 combines the potential capabilities of options 2 and 5 in that it provides the capability to verify the identity of the number holder visibly using the picture on the front of the card, or electronically using the magnetic stripe and external devices. The number holder's picture would allow this option to function as visible proof of the bearer's identity and, because of the magnetic stripe, to be adapted to future electronic applications. The magnetic stripe also could be used to store a biometric identifier or personal data about the number holder.

  • Issuance Process

    As explained under card option 5, information stored on a magnetic stripe can be overwritten and will degrade over time. Even though the card could continue to function as a visible record of the number holder and assigned SSN, it would need to be reissued periodically to update the number holder's picture and to assure that data stored on the magnetic stripe could be used as intended. Because the number holder's picture is included on the card, the issuance process would be the same as the issuance process for card option 2.

    Option 7--Microprocessor Card With Picture and Magnetic Stripe

  • Description

    Option 7 is a rigid plastic card with a magnetic stripe and microprocessor. This card incorporates the physical security features of the other card options and displays the number holder's picture and identifying information on its reverse. In addition to the visible information on the card, the combination of microprocessor and magnetic stripe give this card the capability of performing all of the potential functions of the other card options while being adaptable to a wide range of future card-based applications. The microprocessor makes possible a high level of active security for the card that can protect it from being read, changed or added to by unauthorized persons.

  • Specifications

    Technical Features:
    30 millimeter PVC base
    ISO standard microprocessor location
    Flat printing
    High coercivity, 3 track magnetic stripe
    Complies with ISO/IEC 7816-1, Identification Cards--Integrated Circuit Cards with Contacts
    2 KB storage capacity microprocessor (up to 8 KB available)

    Security Features:
    Transparent hologram
    Ultraviolet image
    Tamper-resistant signature panel
    Digital color photograph

  • Card Usage

    Card option 7 is the most sophisticated and secure of the Social Security card options we developed. The card could perform the following functions:

    The printed information would allow it to function the same way the current card functions, as a visual record of the number holder's name and SSN.

    The citizenship/noncitizen status information, coupled with the number holder's photograph and identifying information on the card's reverse, would allow the card to serve as reliable proof of the bearer's citizenship or noncitizen status at the time evidence of such status was presented.

    The magnetic stripe is capable of storing information such as an encoded version of the SSN, a personal identification number, or a biometric identifier.

    The microprocessor could be used to store large amounts of data, or it could be used to provide processing capability when the card was used with other devices.

  • Issuance Process

    The issuance process for a Social Security card with a microprocessor, the number holder's picture and a magnetic stripe, as demonstrated by option 7, would be the same as the issuance process for card options that include the number holder's picture. Following capture of the number holder's picture, information would be encoded on the magnetic stripe, or stored using the microprocessor, during card production.

Table 2: Summary of Social Security Card Prototype Options/Capabilities
Option Card
Holder {7}
Process {8}
Adaptable to
1 (1A) Plastic






2 Card with






3 Secure






4 Optical






5 Magnetic






6 Magnetic






7 Microprocessor/






Social Security History (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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