Luck of the Dragon (Las Vegas Dragons, #1) (2024)

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Stephanie Collins

486 reviews41 followers

July 20, 2013


I'm going to have to admit that I struggled with rating this book for one major reason:

I'm a huge, huge, huge dragon fan. You tell me something has a dragon in it and man oh man do you have someone that wants it. This makes me very susceptible to reading titles that I would normally run away from or not finish.

This being said we are going to do this review a bit differently from my normal reviews as I can't do my normal paragraph about each main character to sum up how this ended up with a 2.5 rating.

My likes (what will get me to try the next book if there is one):

The world - I loved the idea of dragons hiding in plain sight in Las Vegas. This fascinated me and I can't help but want to see another story about them.
The fact there is dragons… did ya not see my initial comment??? LOL I know I'm easy but as some saw when they met me at RT you say dragons and I PERK!
The hero - While he had his issues I liked how much he wanted his people to be safe and have a place to live where they could be themselves. He also handled finding out his mate was human in a very good way even though he tended to ignore the issues between them unless they were forced on him.
The implications of mating vs no mating - I found it interesting that if a male dragon does not find his mate by a certain age he loses his form. I mean it does cause him a lot of pressure but I liked that the author made it where the females do not have that same sense of pressure. If they don't find their mates or find that the mate is lacking in some form they don't have to complete the bond. Does it suck for the men? Yes in a way but no as well… it can force them to actually listen to their female to make them happy which in my opinion could help everyone in the long run.
My dislikes (which is why this got a low grade):

Joey - The heroine's brother is just such a lowlife you just can't help but want to smack her for wasting so much damn time on him. He's childish, spoiled and inconsiderate of anyone around him. His head is so far up his own ass for 99% of the book that you just don't get why she tolerates his stupidity and obvious attitude that she doesn't matter. I must admit I wasn't happy with something that happens right at the end with him but if he isn't the hero in the next book and we get to see him maybe start to grow up in the next title I might be able to handle seeing his book.
The heroine - Dear Lord I don't even freakin know where to go with her. She does stuff in this book that pissed me off to no end in hopes that she might finally save her brother from being a moron. She's got this amazing connection with our hero and yet every chance she has to tell him what is going on she doesn't even though she knows that what she's doing is harmful for him. When she's confronted with exactly what he is does she then tell him her own secret… of course not… What does this wonderfully supposedly smart individual do? She plots to steal from him in order to save her idiot of a brother who has already proven she doesn't freaking matter to him! I mean she calls him desperately needing help and what does this ass do? He keeps pushing her to get him in good with a mobster by stealing from the man who has done nothing but help her. I swear I just wanted to scream at her to open her freaking eyes already.
Ok so now that you have found out my dirty little secret weakness… I wanted to love this title but the heroine and her idiotic brother just really worked my last nerve and I just couldn't recover completely. While I think I will check out the next one in the series, if there is one, I probably won't be in a huge hurry to do so but hope that the side characters we met in Alec's retinue will get their HEAs and they will find a partner that is worthy of them rather than one who has so many TSTL moments you just want to scream.
Thanks to Entangled Publishing for giving me the chance to read this as I did enjoy the world the author built but wished both parts of the main pair were worthy of each other.


761 reviews310 followers

July 25, 2013

Review posted here:

Publisher: Entangled: Covet
Publish Date: Out now
How I got this book: ARC from the publisher

Luciana de Luca has a PhD in sass and gemology–and a problem. Her twin brother’s gambling debts have gotten out of hand, and a mob enforcer is blackmailing her to rob the latest, greatest mega-casino on the Strip. Although Lucy has worked her whole life to get away from her family’s grifter past, to save her brother, she dons three-inch heels and a slu*ts-r-us dress and struts into Alec’s Gerald’s casino, determined to put her long-forgotten thieving ways to the test again.

Alec Gerald, a shape-shifting dragon, has built the Crown Jewel casino to provide sanctuary for his people amongst the flash and awe of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the sexy little thief trying to rob his gem exhibit turns out to be his mate, and he must woo her before he loses his dragon form forever. With enemies in every corner, and the all-important mating ceremony looming, Alec and Lucy must learn to trust each other, before time runs out for Alec and the rest of the dragons.
This blurb came from the author’s website.

I was browsing Netgalley when the title of this book caught my eye. I saw the word “Dragon” and as I have mentioned before I have a serious addiction to dragons. I read the blurb and thought this story had the potential for some laughs, some suspense, some angst, and DRAGONs. In short I thought it was something I would enjoy so I requested it. Unfortunately, things did not work out as I hoped and I ended up having several issues with this story mainly the heroine, the pacing, and how things end with her brother.

I did really enjoy the thought of a huge Vegas casino complete with shows, various entertainment rooms, gambling, gem exhibits, shops, and great architecture. Given the expectation of Vegas adding dragons to the mix in plain sight and chalking it up to illusion/magic made me smile each time I thought about it. I loved how humans were scared and disbelieving at the first sight of a dragon but easily accepted that it was part of the show and not real. Made me wonder how much is out there that we refuse to see because it doesn’t fit our mental image of what we “should” see. Alec does a great job of playing on that throughout the book yet it ended up almost biting him in the rear a few times when it came to Lucy. I also liked his struggle between what his dragon self was telling him and what his human brain was telling him when it came to dealing with his attraction to Lucy. I was not as happy when his dragon self provided the stronger impulse and took Lucy’s role-play as her acceptance of their future together. This led to some easily avoidable issues between the two of them.

Lucy received a much more mixed response from me. I loved the fact that she was a gemologist, knew how to pick pockets and locks, and could stand up for herself against Alec. But, that did not outweigh the things I found about her that I did not enjoy. In my opinion, she took an extended journey in the TSTL category when she continually tried to help her brother, Joel, and his schemes with the Vegas mobsters. This was after a lifetime of him using their childhood misery as a prod to convince her to join in. He seemed to tell her several times that he was never going to stop trying to gamble or get rich quick illegally. Yet she kept telling herself that he would stop after each one when instead he dragged her deeper and deeper. It seemed like Lucy was a smart intelligent individual but when her brother came around she started drinking stupid water and didn’t stop until he left. Even when she was committing or planning to commit crimes for him, she knew it was wrong and it wasn’t going to fix things. Lather, rinse, repeat. I had hopes that when she called Joel begging for his help and he refused that she would see the truth about him but she didn’t. It took the threat of losing her memory about dragons before she finally started believing that she needed to stop enabling Joel and his schemes. Because of her extended stay in TSTL territory I was unable to actually like Lucy as the heroine. I am not upset at her family loyalty and trying to help her brother but what really bothered me was the extent of her help into illegal actions whose consequences threatened her dreams, not those of her brother.

I mentioned earlier that I had a problem with the pacing of this story. The bad guy, major source of external conflict for both Alec and Lucy, was killed about two thirds of the way into the story. This meant for the last third, the action and emotional suspense was powered by internal conflict with a sprinkling of Joel on the side. This part really did not work for me because I felt the internal conflict was a result of not communicating and Lucy’s obsessive misplaced loyalty. Both of which dragged out for far too long. Alec never accepted responsibility for his portion of their lack of communication and even when Lucy did make her decision to stop assisting her brother, she did it very quietly and subtly while leaving the door wide open for him to come back into her life without cleaning up his act. Even though he almost ruined his sister’s life he got away with the possibility of his own HEA, no punishment, and no lessons learned. This offended my sense of justice because I felt that he would continue to try to coerce his sister the next time one of his schemes started failing.

Scott built a fascinating world with the dragons and their structure. Each extended group had different abilities corresponding to the different elements and had matching colors. They also tended to live in separate parts of the earth but Alec was trying to unite them in one safe location. I also found it fascinating that only at certain intervals in a certain ritual could dragons find their mate. Male dragons without a mate eventually lost the ability to shift into a dragon while female dragons did not suffer from the same problem. I thought this was very interesting and allowed the women to determine how things would go not the men. I was curious about the interval between mating ceremonies, if it was with the same partner each time, if a partner died during the interval what happened to the survivor, and a few other things. I was also curious about the reasons behind some of the supporting characters and their search for a mate or avoidance of a mate. A few of Scott’s characters also mentioned magicians and magic and hinted at the possibility that magical abilities of a sort were in the blood of both Lucy and her brother Joel but nothing more was said about it. This also left me wondering.

Luck of the Dragon has a neat premise and a fascinating world. I think Scott has a wide range of characters and possibilities to continue writing in this particular world. However, I found that her characterization and pacing to be problematic so I was unable to enjoy this story as I had hoped. Given how the blurb hit several things that I tend to enjoy and the result of my reading, I am not sure if I will pick up another of her books without reading some reviews first.

I give Luck of the Dragon a C-

    arc fantasy published-in-2013

Brandy Dorsch

Author13 books136 followers

September 19, 2013

I was given a copy of this book by the author.
I am like anyone and I go thru periods where I want to read certain things. I posted on my Facebook page that I was looking for suggestions on a shifter book to read. A friend of mine told Susannah Scott that I was looking and she contacted me. I am so beyond glad that she did!
Lucy is a handful and I have to give her credit for having the courage to do what she needs to do for her brother, Joey. That being said, he wouldn't have to worry about the mob killing him. I would have done it but Lucy is a better woman than me cause she continues to try to save him. There was a conversation that Lucy was having with Jane in the book. They were talking about not being able to control the actions of others. I think that is something that all of us have issues with sometimes. We forget that everyone is an individual and that no matter how we feel about the decisions and actions they make, it is ultimately their choice.
Alec. A beautiful black dragon that is desperate to find his soul mate. This man was electric. He was powerful without succumbing to his own hype. He knew what he needed to do and was doing the best he could for his people. That to me is one of the sexiest things in the world.
I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to discover more stories from Ms. Scott.


440 reviews297 followers

March 26, 2014

This book was a nice treat. Honestly it was better than I expected it to be. I enjoyed the romance and appreciated a more realistic leading man than you usually get from Adult Romance books. The sex scenes were romantic and classy, no crass here. I appreciated the thought that went into them, often times I'm giggling at cheesy p*rn scenes in other books.

I did have two small problems with this book however. One , I didn't like the fight scenes, I really feel that they were too short and could have been elaborated on, and secondly I was not a fan of the main characters name ,Luciana(Lucy) de Luca .Apart from that, good book. Would recommend. 3.5/5

Note: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.

    2014 adult-romance fantasy

✩ amethyst⁷ ✩

427 reviews23 followers

June 17, 2013

This was lovely. The author really wrote about Lucy & Alec's relationship well, it was brilliantly written and executed. And well sometimes its hard after a person betrays you to trust them again but she made it realistic and understandable.

    2013-books books-i-own contemporary-romance

Julie (Let's Read Good Books)

1,649 reviews487 followers

July 23, 2013

fun read, though the heroine was occasionally TSTL, and her idiot brother wasn't much better. Loved the dragons, though.

Full review

I still feel like a newbie when it comes to PNR, and I’m still trying to find tropes and authors that work for me. One trope that I haven’t liked in the past is the destined mate trope, mainly because it takes some of the suspense out the romance. The reader knows the couple will be together in the end, and there’s really no mystery to the pairing. In Luck of the Dragon, however, I started wondering what would happen is Alec and Lucy couldn’t get their acts together and find a happy medium for their relationship. Would they actually be stuck together forever not trusting each other? While we do get a HEA, I was worried for a few chapters!

Lucy comes from a family of con-artists. Her father was sent to jail when she was a child, and her brother seems to be following in his footsteps. Joey just can’t say no to a bet, and worse, he longs to work the hustle. He falls in with Gino, a dangerous gangster, and lassoes Lucy into helping him steal jewels from Alec Gerald to pay off his gambling debts. If she doesn’t help, Gino makes it painfully obvious that he’s going to take the debt out of Joey’s hide. Terrified of losing her brother, Lucy jumps to it and agrees to help with the heist.

What Lucy and Joey doesn’t know is that Alec is a dragon. He’s a very old dragon, and a very powerful dragon. He’s just opened a new casino in Vegas, and his gem collection is going to be the center piece of his new endeavor. He’s retained Lucy to appraise and catalog his collection, unaware that Lucy’s up to her neck in trouble. When they meet, Alec is convinced that Lucy is destined to be his mate, much to the dismay of his followers. The dragons don’t think highly of humans, and many of them have a problem accepting one as their leader’s mate. Once Alec discovers that Lucy was only interested in stealing from him, even he begins to doubt his own judgment, and he despairs at losing his dragon form without his mate.

I really liked this story, and I think I went into thinking that I wouldn’t. I’m not sure why, because I was hooked on the story and the characters right away. I liked Lucy – well, I liked her when she wasn’t trying to steal from Alec. I just wanted to shake her and tell her to wake up and stop trying to keep her brother out of jail. Joey is a selfish, jerk of a brother, who knows how best to manipulate Lucy. He cares only about himself, and expects her to extract him from every sticky situation he finds himself in. I could not stand this guy, and was kind of hoping one of the dragons would eat him. Sorry, Joey, but you are a pin-head!

Alec made the story for me. How could he not? He’s a freaking dragon! He also knows how to woo a lady. After realizing that Lucy is his mate, he goes into Romeo mode, and wow, he would have won me over about midway through breakfast. This guy is a charmer, and he’s a gabillionaire to boot! Lucy is instantly suspicious of his motives, mainly because hers are less than pure, and because she’s be raised to not trust anybody. She has spent most of her adult life trying to keep her brother out of prison, and keeping the taint of criminal activity away from her. While her intent to steal from Alec irritated me, especially after she started developing feelings for him, I did understand why she would feel compelled to go along with Joey and Gino’s schemes, at least at the beginning of the book. About halfway through, I found her behavior inexcusable. This did knock down the enjoyment factor a bit.

If Luck of the Dragon is an indication of how dragons live, I need to find one for myself. Or just wait until the next book in this series to hit store shelves, so I can live vicariously through Susannah Scott’s characters.

Grade: B+

Tee Loves Books

945 reviews

June 19, 2013

****3.5 stars****

Part brazen minx, part dutiful businesswoman, Luciana was quite determined to follow through for her twin brother Joey when once again he’d found himself in trouble with his gambling. The fact that helping him meant returning to the life of crime she’d managed to work her way out of didn’t sit well with her, but lucky for Joey she would do anything for him. Including use her PhD in gemology for access to millions in diamonds. With strong-arm Gino breathing down their necks, a dragon out to prove to Lucy that she’s his mate, and old enemies determined to make a stand, this was a recipe for utter chaos that had her in way over her head.

Maybe it was just good timing on her part, or maybe fate was playing matchmaker, but when Lucy agreed to take part in robbing the massive casino, she had no idea that her destiny was entwined with that of wealthy owner Alec Gerald. Alec had been searching for his mate for so long, and he was on the verge of losing his dragon form if he didn’t complete the mating ceremony soon. He knew Lucy was his, but convincing the flighty but strong-willed beauty to give in to the temptation was an uphill battle! Alec was all co*cky and sultry bravado, but Lucy had a one-track mind. She was so busy trying to get her brother and herself out of danger that she didn’t really see what was right in front of her: an amazing guy who wanted her for life (awwww!!). In the midst of all her scheming, Alec managed to turn her head long enough for them to share some pretty steamy moments, but Lucy needed to finally take the blinders off and really see what was going on before she lost him for good.

I struggled a bit with Joey, he was a hard character to like for awhile. Any brother that would use his sister like this deserves a good kick in the rear! He was so self-absorbed, and I wanted Lucy to slap him upside the head on more than one occasion. But the trouble he brought with him led to some exciting action scenes that were great, so you kind of take the good with the bad. There’s also an interesting twist with Joey that will likely lead to a sequel, which I’ll definitely be adding to my future reads!

Even though it was a little more tame than the usual paranormal romance stories I read, I ended up really enjoying Luck of the Dragon. It’s a fun and sexy read that’s sure to please fans of the genre!


He wanted to kiss her, to see if the zing of electricity was a fluke, or if the fates had gone mad and paired him with a human mate.
She might bite him.
He might like it. ~Alec, p. 35

He understood it was wrong, what he’d done, dragging her into the mess. The silent acknowledgement wouldn’t been comforting, if she didn’t know there would be a next time. There always was a next time with Joey. ~ Lucy, p. 55

“You can’t have baby dragons except with your destined mate, and even then you have to have a group bonding ceremony?” Talk about birth control even the Pope could get behind. ~Lucy, p. 159

This and other of my reviews can be found at:

    favorite-authors for-blog-review


535 reviews121 followers

August 6, 2013

Luciana De Luca Ph.D is a world renowned gemologist and will do anything to help her brother Joey out of trouble which is why she finds herself in killer heels and a come and get me dress to attract the attention of of Alec Gerald the good looking but ruthless owner of Crown Jewel Casino on it's opening night. Forced into trying to steal the keycard to Alec's priceless exhibits Lucy has no idea that Alec is not only the King of the Dragons, he also suspects that Lucy is his one and only fated mate and he knows that she's trying to steal from him.

To allow her to escape all Lucy has to do is let Alec kiss her, just once and then she will be free to leave and will finally be able to save her brother and get him out of town. Lucy figures it's only one kiss but that one kiss confirms for Alec that she is indeed his fated mate. All dragon shifters are in a race against time to find their mate and even as the current King of the Dragons Alec's dragon is fading and only the mating ceremony will revive his dragon. Alec knows that Lucy a renowned jewel expert wouldn't risk everything to steal from unless she was in some kind of real trouble and he is determined to help her and claim her as his mate.

I do love a good dragon shifter romance and I really enjoyed Susannah Scott's debut Luck of the Dragon. Lucy is obviously an expert in her field and therefore a smart woman but she's hell-bent on saving the hide of her no-hoper brother Joey time and time again. She has a sexy and powerful dragon wanting to both help her and adore her (can you tell I fell a little bit in love with Alec?) but Lucy insists on making pretty stupid decisions and betrays Alec because of her loyalties to her brother. She's almost a complete push over when it comes to her brother and is unable to let him find his own way out of the mess he creates. It was so frustrating, I loved it!

Overall, I really enjoyed this new paranormal romance. The chemistry between Lucy and Alec was fantastic and their romance wasn't overtly smexy more kind of suggestive which I also quite liked. With tonnes of potential for further books in the series I'm hoping we get more of Mei and Darius next, usually fated mates immediately end up together don't they? Not so Mei and Darius, I'm definitely intrigued!

Sheila Schwartz

1,538 reviews5 followers

June 11, 2013

I thought this was a totally captivating story! Alec and Lucy are such independent complex characters yet their lives are dominated by their love and loyalty to others that it rules them and their actions!! Ms. Scott's depiction of the dragons colors, features and personalities was so descriptive that I could literally see and "know" each one/clan in my mind! The bias of the sister/brother relationship infuriated me and of course the reality of what it would cost her and Alec if she didn't choose him made me want to shriek! So getting all that off my chest what I am getting at is this is storytelling at its best!! A great job in writing a truly romantic and engaging story!! Can't wait to read more......

Mina Khan

Author9 books160 followers

July 15, 2013

A well-written and enjoyable dragon story that plays with classic tropes -- alpha male dragon & heroine who is forced to steal for him. Overall a fun, fast paced read. I love the very alpha hero & the intelligent heroine (though her blind spot for her brother got a bit annoying) and the glitzy Vegas setting was perfect. And the dragon scenes were awesome :)

*I won the arc from the publisher. And had to agree to do an honest review to be considered.*

    2013-paranormal-rom-challenge new-upcoming-author-a-z-challenge

Stacey O'Neale

Author14 books850 followers

January 31, 2014

Since I’m so obsessed with the Brazen line from Entangled, I decided to give Covet a try. I’m pleased to report I really enjoyed LUCK OF THE DRAGON. I don’t read dragon books often, so this was a nice change of pace.

You can read the full review here:

Monty Cupcake ☠ Queen of Bloodshed ☠

951 reviews239 followers

October 18, 2014

I liked this & would've given it 3 stars if there was going to be a second book, because this one felt incomplete on a lot of things. Like what about Gino? Lucy's gift with gems? The mating ceremony? Everything felt cut short.

    2014 dragons paranormal


1 review2 followers

June 18, 2013

Fantastic! Suspenseful and sexy. Couldn't put it down!


Author34 books270 followers

August 15, 2013

Warning: I f*cking love dragon shifters. I was super, super, super excited to find out about this one. Also while I did really like this book I am leaning a bit towards a 3.5 stars but a very high 3.5 hence the four stars i officially gave it.

Song Choice: "The Way That I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson, "Heart of Stone" by Iko, "You Protector" by Fleet Foxes, So this little bit is where i pick songs that i think relate to the book in some way or not.

First Thoughts: I was very intrigued by this idea of a grifter and I mean stealing from a dragon! BAD DECISION right there, but i mean she does know that he is but still we know and yeah i was like, this is going to be exciting. Welp I will admit some parts were suspenseful BUT there were a lot of times I was going whoa! how did get from bathroom to her being trapped in a room? While yes i know scenes can jump it didn't really explain where they were when they jumped in the scene so there i was put off and confused, and there are other incidents of this as well that it was sort of choppy, and a bit confusing. But overall, interesting story, I did enjoy it, I was a bit shocked how easily somethings we were resolved, - both in a good/bad way but i will go into detail in a bit. HONESTLY this was a fun, sexy, easy read.

Thoughts on Plot: Okay as i mentioned there were a few times that the story "jumped" and what i mean by that is we were in one scene and suddenly we are in the next, OR we are pretty much in the same scene but some unspoken thing happens which is like wait? why is this happening? This caused me to think that maybe i was missing a few lines in my copy or something? While it works sometimes and really i don't need a play by play of them walking from one place to another, just saying like "i watched her pace inside my office, where we had placed her after getting her from the bathroom" something to link the two scenes together. that is all i ask. well that is a lie, there is more i am going to ask. So in the summary - and since its in the summary i have all rights to say stuff about it, it mentions that Alec (the male mc) has enemies emerging....well they have this arch-nemesis thing going on....but its never explained which in Fairly Odd Parents with Dinkleburg, didn't bother this yeah it did. I wanted to know the back-story to that because it seemed pretty important, and I was actually really curious about it in general. While somethings moved a little too quickly for my liking, there were somethings that i was very pleased on how they moved, like the romance in this book, even though it uses the "bond" that most shifters/paranorms have, it wasn't insta-love for both characters, and they had their problems and it wasn't like welp who cares! The romance took its time, but not in the sense you are waiting the for the chemistry - trust me its there but the actual falling in love, well it takes a bit more time and emerges when you least expect it which i loved. Overall I think the book was pretty well paced, there was one thing that i found it had an odd placing but I think i am going to let it go because I see what the author was trying to do.


Luciana/Lucy: She was an interesting character, while at times she was this super feisty red-head that was like a vixen and took crap from no one when she was with her brother she was completely different she was quiet, timid, almost but not quite submissive, but she would literally do anything for her brother (her twin) and i understand that feeling, truly i do, as i am a twin myself but at times I was she is a bit damaged isn't she? When say that i mean that they did have a hard past and i could see where she feels she owns him. But i also did note that because of her past she was going to be a little - a lot stand-offish towards Alec. She wasn't a bad MC and i didn't really hate her at all but there were somethings i felt were quite resolved with her, and whether this is going to be a series where it continues with the same characters, or switches characters for the next book (i kinda hope so!) anyways i do hope in those books they address this but i can't say what it is because its a spoiler!

Alec: Alpha Male, maybe not the worst that i have read but he is definitely one, I mean he is a dragon soooo there is that. But i liked his also understanding that Lucy was going to be need space at times. But what bothered me i suppose about both of them, was he sort of bought her sometimes, with spa treatments and other stuff, and she kinda went along with it, i don't know i am more for the sentimental gifts BUT in Alec's defense he did do sentimental gifts as well. Anyways he did bother me because at times he gave up to easily, okay maybe i could understand but i didn't want him to be that stupid! its like dude! come on! Anyways overall Alec was a pretty alright book boyfriend. He was passionate, loving, and he did try really hard :D AND OH SO PROTECTIVE!

The Ending: Well like I said there were one or two things i felt were unresolved with these two, not so much together but separately as people but their story for me felt like it was almost done, i could see where there might be another story about them but i am sort of interested in the other side character's yeah i will probably go on with this series.... i am pretty sure this is a series...

So if you want to check out how I feel about other books and what not you can check them out at my blog.... http://theviolethourbookreviews.wordp...

    and-i-am-waiting-for-the-next-one big-girl-books im-a-warrior-hear-me-roar

Jeannie Zelos

2,826 reviews56 followers

June 25, 2013

Luck of the Dragon. Susanna Scott.

ARC provided by publisher.

Romance and shape-shifters :) always a good hook for me, but dragons are more unusual than the normal wolves we see, so this book sounded interesting. I've read a couple now with Dragon shifters, and they all seem to have the dragons with a fascination for jewels and sparkly stuff – me too, maybe I’m really a dragon in another life??
Anyway, Luciana (Lucy) is a great character, loves her twin brother and as its just them left in the family, tries hard to keep him on the straight. Still, he's a gambler and like most of them the thrill of the big win is too hard to resist. This time its got him involved with a mob enforcer and he's dragged Lucy in too – they need her help as a professional gemmologist to get them access to the jewels.
Lucy is a great character, intelligent, loving and with a cracking sense of snark. She has some great lines and came across as a really genuine, likeable person. Someone I'd love as a friend as so I cared about what happened to her. The brother, Joey, was a typical jerk gambler, thinking only of himself and the Big Win....not the danger he was placing Lucy in. Lucy needs to get to casino owner Alec, but doesn't know he's a dragon (the King actually) so he has a bit more awareness of what’s going on that she realises. He's attracted to her right from the start, and as he's sex on legs she can't help feeling drawn to him. He's not the arrogant, superior type you'd expect, but a strong and fair man, and he wants to know what’s going on with Lucy. So he lures her in gently and then the fun starts.
The coming jewel theft is a fairly simple plot and the story centres around that, the dragon mating ceremony, and Alec and Lucy's attraction to each other. It covers a short period and being a short book that works well. Sometimes when short novels try to cover too long timespan the details and personalities get lost, but here they're well fleshed out and draw the reader into the story nicely.
I did work out the connections fairly quickly but I think that’s inevitable in a short novel as there isn't the space to write in lots of red-herring type scenes. It was fine though and didn't spoil my enjoyment of the story.
Overall its an enjoyable novel, with people I can empathise with and felt I understood them. I did feel for Lucy when Alec caught her out, but it wasn't quite enough emotion engendered from me to make it a higher rating. I need more angst! Its well written and edited, as you'd expect and the characters felt real. Its a sweet, gentle romance rather than a sexy, breathtaking, erotic ride but for people who prefer that sort of book its perfect. It delivers exactly what it says.
Its priced at £2.36 for 161 pages so its still within my personal VFM scale but at the upper end. Of course if this type of romance is what you love and will re read that’s adds value but for me its a bit too sweet and light, good for a quick easy on the mind read, but not one for the keepers file.
Stars: Difficult, this part is so subjective when we all want different things so this is just my personal rating. I did enjoy this book, but prefer something a bit deeper for a high star, but its definitely better than a 3 star OK read. Hmnn...Four stars it is.


664 reviews37 followers

July 21, 2013

***Received from Entangled Publishing for an honest review***

Dragon King Alec Gerald built the Crown Jewel Casino in Las Vegas, NV, as a haven for others like him. Dragons from all over the world will be in attendance for the casino's grand opening and also for the dragon mating ceremony, where they will choose their mates in order for the male dragons to keep their dragon forms. And it's at his casino's grand opening night that he meets his mate.

World-renowned gemologist Luciana De Luca is attending the Crown Jewel's grand opening for two reasons: 1)she was invited to appraise the casino's gem exhibit, and 2)to try and save her sorry brother Joey's butt from yet another mess he's gotten himself into. And while the opening ceremony was breath-taking and fascinating to watch, it was the casino's owner, Alec Gerald, who captured her attention.

The plot for this story was truly unique--a male dragon discovering his mate is a human female who is bent on stealing from him to save her brother. Alec was patient with Luciana (Lucy), doing everything he could to persuade her to let him help. He knew she was in trouble, but didn't know with what exactly. And Lucy was...stubborn to a fault when it came to her brother who, frankly, doesn't deserve anything she does for him. Lucy was likeable enough except for her iron-clad unwillingness to take up Alec's sincere offer of help. Her inability to trust that he could come through for her proved to be her downfall in the end, breaking the fragile bond she shared with Alec. Her brother's betrayal only added to the heartbreak she felt at having lost the one thing that'd come to matter so much to her--Alec.

I enjoyed getting to know Alec, reading how he came to be Jer'ol, or Dragon King. I admired his patience with Lucy, especially in the face of her lies and stubbornness, and I loved how he defended her when it was made known that she, a mere human, was his mate. But I didn't like how quickly he forgave her in the end. I'm not saying he should've held back a little longer, but his decision to give her another chance so quickly (and in the middle of the mating ceremony) seemed hasty.

Lucy was difficult for me to like, mainly because of her misplaced loyalty in her brother. "Mr. Center of the Universe" is how he was described early on, and everything in the story drove that point home. So why did she continue to put herself in danger for him? Because she loved him? I'm sure she did. But at some point in the story, perhaps after ***spoiler alert*** Gino (the mob enforcer threatening her brother) died,*** she should've cut him loose but she didn't. She lied for him, stole for him, when the only person who mattered to her brother was himself.

Joey was even more difficult to like. For most of the story, he was a pain who need a two-by-four to the side of his head. How he could use his sister like that and still talk to her like life was okay, was beyond my understanding. The help he received from Lucy was undeserved. He would've been better off apologizing and kissing the ground the walked on.

I love a good shifter story, and I haven't come across another dragon-shifter story that was quite as enjoyable as this one. Plus, the ending of this story brought a nice surprise that almost hints at a second story. Will there be one? I hope so.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



962 reviews143 followers

July 23, 2013

GENRE: Paranormal Romance
THEME: Mythology, Dragons
4,5 Stars

As a huge fan of Katie MacAlisters dragon series, I’m always on the look out for another dragon story that hooks me right at the start. Finally I found one that I couldn’t put down, it has suspenseful plot and two destined characters that had to figure out their complex lives to be together.

Luck of the Dragon follows Luciana de Luca, a smart woman with a PhD and well-known gemologist. She is the best of the best and is chosen to look over the new jewel exhibit in the Crown Jewel Casino. But this job is a little different since she is asked to steal from the casino owner to pay back her brothers debt to a dangerous man. What Luciana doesn’t know the owner Alec Gerald, a shape-shifting dragon, isn’t going to let her out of his sight too easily. He wants her and knows that she’s his destined mate and will do anything to be with her and save his dragon.

Lucy is a smart girl but makes all the wrong decisions when it comes to helping her brother. His selfish ways always seem to put her in a tough spot and could even cost her, her reputation. I thought it was sweet the way she always stood by her brother, even through all his mistakes. I just wished she let him learn from his mistakes and let her have a life. Overall I enjoyed every scene Lucy and Alec were in together, the pages were on fire and the chemistry was undeniable. There is a lot of tension between the two, which made for some entertaining scenes, to intense and worrisome scenes. In the end I felt like she really grew up and became a stronger woman.

Alec Gerald is one smoking hot shifter. His dragon is different than most as he is the leader of his kind. The main focus of the shifters is that their kind is rare, they need to find their mate to continue their lineage. It’s a romantic story that brings a lot of danger for Luce, she is pulled into a war and Alec’s world abruptly and unknowing to what is out there. He is a big charmer and I adored how much he pampered her and wanted to just be happy. The best parts were getting some background into the shifters and how the dragons live their lives.

Overall this was a great debut from Susannah Scott, I can’t wait to read more from her and I hope for more dragons! Her writing and character development was spot on for this genre, I always love that spark of romance and two character who are just meant to be. I however didn’t like Lucy’s brother and felt his presences was hurting Lucy’s strong character. The villain was interesting and sneaky, adding some complicated moments for Luce and Alec. Even the secondary character caught my interest and I hope to learn more about Lil. Nonetheless I have defiantly become a fan of Scott and love to see what happens next for Alec and Lucy, as well as the rest of the dragons.

This is an adult novel with sexual content meant for mature readers. Fans of Katie MacAlister’s Aisling Grey series and Deborah Cooke’s Dragonfire Novels will love Luck of the Dragon by Susannah Scott.

    dragons magical mature

Kate McMurry

Author1 book109 followers

October 22, 2013

Dragons in Las Vegas!

Dr. Lucy De Luca is an internationally respected expert in jewel appraisal, but her brother Joey is a gambling addict who frequently falls into crime to support his habit. Unfortunately for Lucy, in addition to Joey being her only family, he is her twin, and she can't stand to let him suffer the consequences of his self-destructive actions. In order to protect his life from a violent mafioso-type to whom Joey owes money, Lucy reluctantly agrees to act as the inside-person on a jewel heist, because she's in Las Vegas on assignment to appraise a king's ransom of jewels. Lucy's appraisal contract is with Alec Gerald, the handsome, charismatic owner of The Crown Jewel, a brand new, utterly magnificent, Las Vegas casino. A public display of the jewels is slated to be a centerpiece of the casino's grand opening, and the mafioso has commanded Lucy to perform underhanded machinations which will open the way for him to steal Alec's jewels.

Lucy's mission is even more impossible than she feared because, unbeknownst to her, Alec is the powerful head of an ancient dragon clan. Though he is centuries old, Alec looks like a man in the prime of his life, because he is all but immortal--except for one potentially fatal flaw. In the not-too-distant future, he will lose his power to morph into a dragon, and become nothing but a frail human, unless he locates his destined mate.

It is obvious to Alec almost immediately that Lucy is not all she seems and, with great shock, he soon realizes that, though she has no dragon in her at all, she might actually be the salvation he seeks, his intended mate.

This is a fast-paced contemporary, paranormal romance with plenty of thrilling adventure. Lucy and Alec are both complexly motivated protagonists, and we are allowed to know each of them from up close and personal as the novel is narrated in their alternating points of view. Lucy and Alec have powerful sexual chemistry, and the progress of their smouldering relationship is highly entertaining.

In addition to the two villainous antagonists driving the main conflict of the story, Lucy's ne'er-do-well brother and the mysterious, terrifying mobster, there are multiple well-intentioned antagonists among Alec's dragon clan who oppose his relationship with Lucy because she is human. Each of these secondary characters is sharply and convincingly drawn, but none of them is ever allowed to upstage the two main protagonists.

Last but not least, the Las Vegas setting of this delightful story is colorful, exciting and authentic, and the idea of dragons hiding in plain sight in one of the glitziest cities in the world in a jewel-themed casino is a delicious, high concept.

All in all, this is a terrific read for fans of adult, paranormal romance, and I am looking forward to further books in this series.

I rate this book as follows:

Heroine: 5 stars
Hero: 5 stars
Subcharacters: 5 stars
Romance Plot: 5 stars
Fantasy World-Building: 5 stars
Writing: 5 stars
Overall: 5 stars

Disclaimer: A copy of this book was provided to me by the author to make it possible for me to read it so that I could write a review.

    dragons paranormal-romance


741 reviews190 followers

July 25, 2014

The blurb sums up this story perfectly, so I will just launch right into my review. I loved this story! For a debut novella, this was a well written, fast-paced story.

I liked the heroine a lot. Lucy's sad background made her the tough cookie we get to see in the book. She's ashamed of her past and seems to feel the need to constantly reassure herself that she is nothing like the rest of her family. She has carved out a very successful (legal) career for herself; a way of distancing herself from her past. She knows right from wrong, but when probably like most human beings, when the life of a loved one is at stake, she's willing to bend the rules and risk big. She doesn't have a private life to speak of, and her heart is pretty much hardened against romantic entanglements.

"I can't live in a fairy tale." She watched his face and smiled, trying to soften her words. "I'm attracted to you. Can't that be enough?"

Alec was a delectable hero. Calm under pressure, caring, devoted to his kin and determined to ensure their comfort, safety and keep the peace. Despite the imminent threat of losing his dragon because he hasn't been able to find his mate, he still puts everyone and everything else first. Once he realized that Lucy was forced to steal from him, he played along in the hopes of gaining her trust and finding the right moment to reveal his secrets. But Lucy was a good example of letting her own personal hangups get in the way of discovering something new and wonderful; something for herself. Every so often I wanted to grab Lucy by the shoulders and shake her until her teeth rattled. Talk about being in denial. For all her bravado, I quickly realized that her tough facade really was covering up a broken person on the inside. I got the feeling she knew that all her begging and pleading with Joey were falling on deaf ears. But as the only family she had left, I could understand how she wasn't willing to let go. At least not until it was too late.

The author really excelled at making me feel for the characters once Lucy threw Alec's trust away. I love when an author isn't afraid to make the heroine the "bad guy" for a while. There was also a great fight scene amongst the dragons. It was detailed so well, I could actually picture it. It was a little short-lived, but it underscored perfectly what was at stake for Alec. The ending was perfect. Lucy finally had a few epiphanies, grew a backbone, and spent a perfect evening with Alec in both forms ;) If you love a story with emotional drama, a caring, sexy and very protective alpha dragon and a stubborn, sassy heroine, then this is the perfect story for you. Ms Scott has a great voice and a great imagination. I can't wait to read more from her.

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.

    ceo-businessmen contemporary-romance dragons


266 reviews18 followers

July 16, 2013

You gotta love a dragon! Luck of the Dragon is the first book in a series of shape-shifting dragons who try to live among humans in the rooms of the top floors of a brand new casino, while working and entertaining on the lower floors in the middle of Las Vegas. This is the first book that I’ve read by Susannah Scott, and I really enjoyed her writing style. This story reads so smoothly that even when it came to an end I wished it was longer, so I could just keep reading. I am looking forward to more books by Ms. Scott.

Alec Gerald is the leader of a group a shape-shifting dragons. He has built a huge casino in Las Vegas with the hopes that they can blend-in to provide a safe sanctuary for his people. The Crown Jewel casino is not only their home, but it is where they will work as well. The shows—which will give them a chance to shift into their dragon form occasionally—along with the private rooms below ground and a huge gem exhibit are what will draw people to visit and spend money, but before they can open the exhibit he must have the jewels inspected by a professional to know their true value. Alec is also dealing with the fact that his dragon form is fading, and if he doesn’t find his mate before the mating ceremony, which is only a few days away, he will lose it forever.

Luciana de Luca has earned a PhD in gemology and has made a very good name for herself, so it’s no surprise that Alec has a desire to hire her to inspect the gems for his exhibit at the casino. She has grown up knowing how to steal something right off a person without them ever noticing it happened. When her brother’s gambling gets him in trouble with the mob she finds out that the only way to get him out of it is to steal for them. She hates that world and wants nothing to do with it, but she’ll do anything she can to get her brother out of the mess he’s in. She is not happy when she finds out that the person she must steal from just happens to be Alec, but she decides she’ll go in, get what they want and disappear. This will be easy, right?

When Alec sees Luciana he realizes she’s his mate, and he will do anything he needs to do to make her realize she’s his. But there are a few problems that arise, and before he can start romancing her she shocks him by stealing something right out of his pocket. He acts like he hasn’t noticed in the hopes that she’ll come clean and let him help her, but Lucy doesn’t trust easily. Enemies are everywhere and they must learn to trust one another before it’s too late to save Alec and all of the other dragons.

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.



23 reviews31 followers

December 31, 2013

Title: Luck of the Dragon

Series: Las Vegas Dragons bk 1

Author: Susannah Scott

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Book Blurb:

Luciana de Luca has a PhD in sass and gemology–and a problem. Her twin brother’s gambling debts have gotten out of hand, and a mob enforcer is blackmailing her to rob the latest, greatest mega-casino on the Strip. Although Lucy has worked her whole life to get away from her family’s grifter past, to save her brother, she dons three-inch heels and a slu*ts-r-us dress and struts into Alec’s Gerald’s casino, determined to put her long-forgotten thieving ways to the test again.

Alec Gerald, a shape-shifting dragon, has built the Crown Jewel casino to provide sanctuary for his people amongst the flash and awe of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the sexy little thief trying to rob his gem exhibit turns out to be his mate, and he must woo her before he loses his dragon form forever. With enemies in every corner, and the all-important mating ceremony looming, Alec and Lucy must learn to trust each other, before time runs out for Alec and the rest of the dragons.


This was the first book I’ve read by Susannah Scott but it definitely won’t be my last. When I was first asked to read and review Luck of the Dragon I was a bit hesitant because I’m not much into the Urban Fantasy genre but I’m sure glad I took the opportunity.

Who would have thought that shape shifting dragons could be so intriguing and bring you to tears. Luciana de Luca was not a woman to mess with. She was a woman of class and a woman who would do anything to protect her twin brother but she never saw Alec Gerald coming. She was hired to appraise the jewels that the owner of the Crown Jewel casino but her true job was to get the tools need for those blackmailing her to save her brother to be able to rob the Crown Jewel.

Alec Gerald was an enigma himself so when prepared a grand opening for the Crown Jewel that was beyond spectacular and wowed those in attendance with the flying dragons little did they know that one of those dragons was none other than Alec Gerald.

Alec knew from the moment he laid eyes on Luciana de Luca that she was his soul mate which is not common for a dragon and a human but will he be able to forgive her betrayal? Will Luciana be able to choose Alec over her brother? I’ll leave those answers for you to find out. I highly recommend you read Luck of the Dragon because you’re in for a real treat.

- See more at:

Gigi staub

942 reviews18 followers

July 18, 2013

Luciana de Luca has a PhD in sass and gemology—and a problem. Her twin brother’s gambling debts have gotten out of hand, and a mob enforcer is blackmailing her to rob the latest, greatest mega-casino on the Strip. Although Lucy has worked her whole life to get away from her family’s grifter past, to save her brother, she dons three-inch heels and a slu*ts-r-us dress and struts into Alec’s Gerald’s casino, determined to put her long-forgotten thieving ways to the test again.

Alec Gerald, a shape-shifting dragon, has built the Crown Jewel casino to provide sanctuary for his people amongst the flash and awe of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the sexy little thief trying to steal his largest diamond exhibit turns out to be his mate, and he must woo her before he loses his dragon form forever. But before he can handcuff her to his bed and explain the details of a mating ceremony, an enemy attacks and threatens to destroy his casino, his people, and his newfound mate.


What book could be bad with a sexy, rich, shape shifting dragon? Well, I am sure there could be, but it is not this book.

This book was thoroughly engaging and I could not put the book down. The story has a little bit of something for everyone; shifters, sexy hero and heroine, a jewel heist, gangsters and at the heart of it a love story.

I have always been partial to shifter stories and now I am claiming Alec as my book you all ;) He is a great character, his first scenes are all magic and excitement when he appears to the crowd in his dragon form and transform in pure Vegas fashion into his human form. Alec is everything you want in a hero and he is written to perfection.

Lucy is the girl lucky enough to catch Alec. Lucy has been drawn into this jewelry heist scheme by her brother (who, needs to wake up and smell the coffee). Lucy is an interesting character because she is so many different things; she comes off as so worldly at the beginning of the book and other times oh so vulnerable and you cannot help but love her.

I really enjoyed this first book by Ms. Scott and cannot wait to read more from this interesting/captivating world she has created.

4 Licks


Lorca Damon

Author12 books40 followers

April 2, 2014

Run, don’t walk, to get a copy of Susannah Scott’s adventure/fantasy/romance title Luck of the Dragon. Better yet, it’s about dragons…FLY to get your hands on a copy.

As a book reviewer, I get a lot of books. A LOT. Books show up unannounced on my doorstep (literally, when UPS drops them off) from everyone from self-published authors to Big Five publishers. It’s pretty cool, actually.

So when a book really stands out, I SHOUT about it. GO GET THIS ONE.

Lucy De Luca has worked hard to make something of her life despite her “humble” beginnings. With a father in jail, a deranged mom who drank herself from boyfriend to boyfriend, and a brother who’s so far in bed with the mob that he can see the thread count on the sheets, it’s been hard for Lucy to distance herself from all of that to become an expert in her field. Her Ph.D. in gemology not withstanding, when her twin brother needs her help to get Gino off his back, she manages to run afoul of the Vegas mob scene while gaining the attention of handsome, wealthy casino owner Alec Gerold.

Oh, and Alec’s a dragon. King of the dragons, to be exact. And if he doesn’t find a mate in the upcoming ceremony, he risks losing his dragon form altogether. Of course, if he takes his true mate–Lucy, the human–he also risks sparking a global dragon war that could cost him his throne.

Fun stuff, people.

Actually, I have to tell you that this is not my go-to genre when I want a good book to read. I can’t really say I’m a romance fan, and I’m certainly not your girl when it comes to dragon lit. But the writing pulled me in from the first page and made this book a one-sitting read. Excellent story line, tasteful explicit scenes, and a really smart, sassy, EDUCATED heroine made this one a total delight.

Kathy Martin

3,715 reviews97 followers

June 16, 2013

Meet Lucy: "She was a contradiction: A brainy Ph.D, whose curriculum vitae read like a woman who didn’t get out much, in a dress that proclaimed she never stayed home." And meet Alec: "Gerald’s playful words, five o’clock shadow, and slightly long hair all seemed to suggest a man of desultory casualness...But her instincts told her this was wrong. Gerald was a serious man who only pretended to be lighthearted and casual." I didn't mention it but Alec Gerald is a dragon--the king of the dragons. If he doesn't find a mate soon he will stop being able to change into his dragon form.

Lucy isn't looking for a mate; she's looking for a way to get her brother out of debt with some serious mobsters. The mobsters want Alec's jewels and need Lucy's credentials as a gemologist to pave the way for them. Lucy and her brother Joey have been alone in the world since they were kids. They learned cons and grifting from their father but Lucy has put that life aside. Joey has not. In fact, he is always looking for the next sure thing.

Alec knows that Lucy is his mate as soon as he meets her. Lucy thinks they are just going to have a weekend and then go their separate ways. When Alec confesses to being a dragon, Lucy is sure that he is just doing some sexual role-playing. After all, there is no such thing as dragons.

Alec is busy trying to convince her that she is his mate and busy arranging a gathering that will give the dragons under his control a chance to find their true mates. But he has an enemy who wants everything that Alec has.

This was a fun story with entertaining characters. I enjoyed it very much.

Tanya Vought

Author3 books91 followers

July 17, 2013

You want an awesome story that showcases : paranormal genre (check), hot guy (check), spunky, sassy stubborn woman (check), attraction (check), dragons/mystery (check), deception (check), jewel thieves (check) and more... well then "Luck of the Dragon" is definitely for you!

Lucy has her life turned around! She has her PhD and is very successful and in good standing with the law. Well she was redeemed but her brother needs her help and she unfortunately agrees to help him by stealing a jewel from Alec.
However, in the grand scheme of things she never thought the "plan" would not work.. until she finally meets Alec and has immediate attraction to him.

Alec is the owner of newest Casino and "dragon" who hides in secrecy behind his walls to protect himself and his kind. However, he sees Lucy and feels and attraction towards her and wants to kiss her. Let's say when the kiss eventually happens (which you have to know it will or it wouldn't be a paranormal romance, ha) it was "beyond fabulous" and then the real action starts and questions arise.

Can Lucy accept him? Can he trust her? Can there be a relationship and trust or will it all be just a figment of their imagination?

You will have to read this book to find out the answer to those questions! :) This is the 1st time I've ever read a paranormal book showcasing dragons and was not disappointed!!

If your any type of paranormal fan this book is right up your alley and won't disappoint you! It's a nice length book that will captivate you until the very end!

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Reading In Pajamas

1,055 reviews104 followers

June 24, 2013

Luck of the Dragon (Entangled Covet) by Susannah Scott
Publication Date: June 24, 2013
Reviewed by: Reading In Pajamas/ Cori
Rated: 4 Stars

I love books with dragons! I've always rooted for the dragon over the white knight. I'd rather have the dragon! This was a gripping story! Alec, the Black Dragon, created a haven for dragons in Las Vegas. Dragons can hide in plain view and the audience thinks it's an illusion and part of the show. A lot of the dragons are in danger of losing their dragon if they don't find their mate and no dragon has ever found their mate in a human. When Luciana steps into Alec's casino he is surprised to discover his mate is human. Alec has hired Luciana to appraise his gem collection and Gio, a local criminal, is blackmailing her into helping him steal the gems by threatening her brother who is in debt due to a gambling addiction. Alec has to convince Luciana he's the one for her while trying to stop his gems from being stolen, and protecting Luciana from whatever trouble she is in. I loved the characters and the plot was gripping. The author set up the ending to leave room for a series and I'm looking forward to reading the next book. Luck of the Dragon is a fun and romantic paranormal read!

*A review copy was provided by Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review.
Twitter: @readingpajamas


3,175 reviews130 followers

July 23, 2013

Full review on my blog.

This was a fun book. I'm intrigued by the world Susannah Scott has built here--and appreciated that she didn't spend a ton of page time in the book describing it. I really liked the idea of dragons hiding in plain sight in Vegas--I can totally see how that might be plausible, even never having been there myself, and it made me giggle. Much of her writing was really enjoyable--there's a lot of amusing dialogue, both external and internal. Alec Gerard, King of the dragons, was a great hero. Lucy, though...

For the most part, I liked her. But her single-minded devotion to her definitely undeserving brother got to be grating after a while. She eventually gets a clue, but I didn't get how she could feel so bound to Alec and still be okay with stealing from him to help Joey, who everyone could clearly see was never going to change. She finally (a little abruptly, but at least it happens) sees the light, but still...

The entire books ends a bit suddenly, and not all questions about the dragons or their world are answered in the end. There are more to come, though, so I'm sure we'll get more information then. Four stars for entertainment value and series promise--very enjoyable despite the issues.

I'm looking forward to book two, Stop Dragon my Heart Around. The main character is supposed to look like Chris Hemsworth--bonus! :)

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

    arc contemporary fantasy-paranormal

Melody May (What I'm Reading)

1,485 reviews25 followers

June 28, 2013

Also posted on What I'm Reading

Today I just finished Luck of the Dragon by Susannah Scott. First off, I was impress by Susannah Scott's ability to tell a captivating story of dragon shape-shifters. When I started the story I wasn't sure what to expect, but as I progress I couldn't put the book down. Truly amazing.

First off you have Luciana De Luca (Lucy) who would do anything for her brother. Even bail him out of trouble when she really shouldn't. Well, she ends up in a pickle herself when she meets Alex Gerald. Alex and Lucy sure do steam up the pages with their chemistry.

Lucy is a bit of a pushover at the beginning always putting her brothers need before hers and not realizing that he's kind of toxic for her. Alex has finally found his mate, but one problem Lucy's human. Yep, try to explain that someone who doesn't believe dragons are real.

Seriously, impress with the story. I love how Lucy needs to break ties with her brother and put her trust in Alex. Not an easy task, especially when she basically breaks Alex heart. Overall, a fantastic read. Who knew that dragon shape-shifters would be so cool. Plus, Alex brings the heat and I'm not talking fire-breathing either. So, if you are looking for some Vegas action with a dash of dragons, you might want to try Luck of the Dragon. Fantastic read.

Copy provided by publisher

4.5 Stars

    arc contemporary fantasy


23 reviews34 followers

September 30, 2013

Fate has a way of stepping in when you least expect it and that is exactly how things turned out for Lucy. She is a sassy lady with a PhD in gemology and from the school of hard knocks. She has been estranged from her grifter family for years when her brother gets into a situation he can't get himself out of it. Together they decide to rob the biggest casino on the Vegas strip which unbeknownst to them is owned by a very powerful clan of dragon shifters but fate isn't done with Lucy yet.

Alec, King of the dragons and owner of the casino, soon finds the irresistible thief is his mate. He coerces Lucy to kiss him in order save herself and her brother and also to prove to himself they are meant to be together. All dragon shifters spend their entire lives racing against time to find and claim one meant to be theirs. Alec knows Lucy has an incredible reputation as a leading gemologist and would not risk her reputation if it wasn't really important. His need to protect his mate drives him to make a deal that will finally seal both their fates.

Luck of the Dragon is a great first installment in what promises to be an amazing series. The book is well written, with a captivating story line and characters that are so well written they leap off the page. I was further impressed by the development of the secondary characters and found myself wondering about their futures long after I finished the book. Don't miss this one!

Review by

Daisy Sloan

776 reviews114 followers

October 8, 2013

Luck of the Dragon (Las Vegas Dragons, #1) (28)

You are mine.
Only what you want.
Only what you are ready for.

Alec is a dragon. But he’s not just any dragon. He’s the king of dragons and he has to find his mate. Without a mate, he’ll lose his dragon form and his kingdom.

Lucy is trying to save her brother. Her brother keeps getting into get quick schemes. Robbery, gambling, grifting, you name it, he does it. Lucy just wants to save him.

However you can control the actions of others, only your own actions.

I really enjoyed this story. Alec is an enigmatic character. Lucy tries so hard to save her unredeemable brother. She’s always putting herself last until she realizes that her brother will never change.

The attraction between Alec and Lucy was electric. Sparks flew. I did find the whole scene where he tells Lucy he’s a dragon funny. I don't want to give anything away, so you’ll just have to read it for yourself! I was chuckling though!

I really liked how Susannah Scott kept the legend of dragons and riches alive in this story. It really added to the depth of the story.

At the end, we were left with the impression this is not the end of the dragon shifter stories. I certainly hope there are more. I could definitely get into this!

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

    dragons parahuman paranormal

Displaying 1 - 30 of 141 reviews

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Luck of the Dragon (Las Vegas Dragons, #1) (2024)


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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.