Alchemy ingredients (Enderal) (2024)

This page about the Alchemy ingredients. It is a list of all ingredients and the properties of each ingredients. See Alchemy for more general information and if you are looking for recipes, see Alchemy recipes. In the first table, you can find all alchemy ingredients in alphabetical order, which can be sorted.

In the second table, you find a list of all effects in alphabetical order and the ingredients which have the effect, along with notes on any effect a specific ingredient has in the case some ingredients have more powerful effect than others. The third table is specific for wolf blood and chymica and serves the same function as the second table.

PictureNameItem IDWgtItem valueEffectsAeterna ears00034D310.18
  1. Restore mana
  2. Fortify Archery
  3. Weakness to frost
  4. Resist fire
  1. Weakness to magic
  2. Fortify Psionics
  3. Fortify Stamina Regeneration
  4. Fortify Carry Weight
  1. Restore mana
  2. Fortify Block
  3. Paralyze
  4. Fortify Mana
Baldris root000516C80.14
  1. Invisibility
  2. Wolf blood
  3. Ambrosia
  4. Weakness to poison
Bear claw0006BC020.12
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify health
  3. Fortify one-handed
  4. Chymicum: claws
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Damage stamina
  3. Fortify stamina regeneration
  4. Weakness to shock
Bee hive husk000A919118
  1. Resist poison
  2. Fortify light armor
  3. Fortify sneak
  4. Fortify elementalism
Bee hive comb000B08C5112
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify block
  3. Fortify light armor
  4. Damage stamina
Bird egg0007E8C80.52
  1. Restore health
  2. Fortify one-handed
  3. Chymicum: swiftness
  4. Increase arcane fever
Black claw0006B6890.2520
  1. Resist magic
  2. Damage mana
  3. Fortify enchanting
  4. Fortify barter
Blue dragonfly wing000E4F0C0.11
  1. Restore health
  2. Increase arcane fever
  3. Cure disease
  4. Chymicum: Frost claws
Blue butterfly wing000727DE0.12
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Wolf blood
  3. Damage mana regeneration
  4. Fortify enchanting
Blue Malphas flower00077E1C0.13
  1. Restore health
  2. Increase arcane fever
  3. Fortify health
  4. Wolf blood
Bone meal00034CDD0.53
  1. Damage stamina
  2. Resist fire
  3. Fortify entropy
  4. Wolf blood
Bug egg0003AD560.210
  1. Weakness to poison
  2. Fortify stamina
  3. Damage mana
  4. Invisibility
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify stamina
  3. Damage stamina regeneration
  4. Water breathing
Chicken egg00023D770.52
  1. Resist magic
  2. Damage mana regeneration
  3. Water breathing
  4. Drains stamina
  1. Chymicum: claws
  2. Fortify health
  3. Fortify one-handed
  4. Damage mana regeneration
Crab shell0006BC000.252
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Cure disease
  3. Resist poison
  4. Resist fire
  1. Resist poison
  2. Chymicum: vitality
  3. Fortify mentalism
  4. Restore mana
Demon heart0003AD5B0.5250
  1. Restore health
  2. Damage stamina regeneration
  3. Damage mana
  4. Increase arcane fever
Dried firefin00015C920.2510
  1. Resist fire
  2. Fortify light magic
  3. Panic
  4. Damage health
Dried jagfin00015C910.2510
  1. Weakness to frost
  2. Fortify sneak
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Fortify light magic
Dried sunfish00015C930.255
  1. Resist shock
  2. Fortify mana
  3. Damage stamina regeneration
  4. Water breathing
  1. Restore mana
  2. Wolf blood
  3. Fortify mana
  4. Resist shock
Enderalean cotton0003F7F80.11
  1. Resist magic
  2. Fortify mana
  3. Chymicum: sturdiness
  4. Fortify barter
  1. Damage mana
  2. Fortify entropy
  3. Provoke
  4. Weakness to shock
Feline cat tooth0006BC040.105
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify heavy armor
  3. Fortify handicraft
  4. Weakness to poison
Fire salt000709140.2530
  1. Weakness to frost
  2. Resist fire
  3. Restore mana
  4. Chymicum: fire claws
Firefinch egg0014F5870.515
  1. Poison damage
  2. Fortify lockpicking
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Resist shock
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Damage mana
  3. Weakness to magic
  4. Fortify stamina
Fish egg0007E8C50.23
  1. Resist poison
  2. Fortify Sleight of hand
  3. Damage health
  4. Fortify stamina
Fish scales0003AD700.23
  1. Resist frost
  2. Damage health
  3. Chymicum: sturdiness
  4. Fortify block
  1. Weakness to magic
  2. Resist frost
  3. Restore mana
  4. Fortify mana regeneration
Fog sponge0007EE010.25
  1. Resist shock
  2. Chymicum: swiftness
  3. Wolf blood
  4. Fortify health
Frost salts0003AD5F0.2560
  1. Weakness to fire
  2. Resist frost
  3. Restore mana
  4. Chymicum: frost claws
  1. Fortify health regeneration
  2. Fortify stamina
  3. Fortify mana regeneration
  4. Wolf blood
Ghost wrapping0006BC0E0.12
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify elementalism
  3. Ambrosia
  4. Resist magic
  1. Damage mana
  2. Resist magic
  3. Weakness to magic
  4. Slow
Glow dust0003AD730.515
  1. Damage mana
  2. Damage mana regeneration
  3. Fortify elementalism
  4. Resist shock
Hammerbird egg00027D340.515
  1. Resist magic
  2. Fortify lockpicking
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Resist shock
Hanging moss00057F910.251
  1. Damage mana
  2. Fortify health
  3. Damage mana regeneration
  4. Fortify one-handed
Hawk claw000E7EBC0.2515
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Resist frost
  3. Fortify carry weight
  4. Resist shock
Hawk feathers000E7ED00.1015
  1. Cure disease
  2. Fortify light armor
  3. Fortify one-handed
  4. Fortify sneak
Holly berry0001B3BD0.14
  1. Resist fire
  2. Fortify enchanting
  3. Resist frost
  4. Chymicum: frost claws
Human flesh001016B30.251
  1. Poison damage
  2. Paralyze
  3. Restore mana
  4. Fortify sneak
Human heart000B18CD10
  1. Poison damage
  2. Damage mana
  3. Chymicum: claws
  4. Provoke
Juniper berries0005076E0.11
  1. Weakness to fire
  2. Fortify archery
  3. Fortify health regeneration
  4. Damage stamina regeneration
Kiléan freshwater tobacco0003344B0.1??
  1. Resist frost
  2. Fortify sneak
  3. Drain mana temporary
  4. Damage stamina regeneration
Large antlers0006BC0A0.16
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify stamina
  3. Slow
  4. Damage stamina regeneration
Laundress mushroom0004DA240.255
  1. Damage mana
  2. Fortify lockpicking
  3. Panic
  4. Fortify health regeneration
  1. Resist magic
  2. Fortify stamina
  3. Chymicum: stamina
  4. Fortify entropy
Leafgull egg0014F5860.320
  1. Water breathing
  2. Fortify lockpicking
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Shock resist
  1. Weakness to frost
  2. Fortify heavy armor
  3. Restore mana
  4. Chymicum, vitality
  1. Weakness to shock
  2. Damage health
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Restore mana
  1. Weakness to frost
  2. Fortify sneak
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Fortify light magic
Lube oil000F11C00.2515
  1. Weakness to magic
  2. Chymicum: fire claws
  3. Poison damage
  4. Restore mana
Mana salt00032E800.2530
  1. Fortify enchanting
  2. Resist magic
  3. Restore mana
  4. Fortify entropy
Moon carrot pulp00063B5F0.2015
  1. Damage mana regeneration
  2. Fortify enchanting
  3. Fortify handicraft
  4. Fortify mentalism
Mora tapinella000EC8700.253
  1. Restore mana
  2. Damage health
  3. Fortify stamina regeneration
  4. Fortify psionics.
Moth wing000727DF0.15
  1. Damage mana
  2. Fortify light armor
  3. Fortify health regeneration
  4. Invisibility
Mud morrel0007E8B70.253
  1. Resist shock
  2. Increase arcane fever
  3. Paralyze
  4. Restore health
Nessah's heart0101CAFD0.000
  1. Poison damage
  2. Damage stamina
  3. Damage mana regeneration
  4. Provoke
  1. Poison damage
  2. Damage mana regeneration
  3. Ambrosia
  4. Fortify elementalism
Orange dragonfly wing000BB9560.11
  1. Chymicum: fire claws
  2. Drain mana temporarily
  3. Fortify sleight of hand
  4. Drain health
  1. Resist frost
  2. Ambrosia
  3. Fortify block
  4. Chymicum: Frost claws
Peakdasher egg0014F5740.4015
  1. Invisibility
  2. Fortify lockpicking
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Resist shock
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Chymicum: Swiftness
  3. Restore mana
  4. Resist shock
Powdered mammoth tusk0006BC100.12
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify sneak
  3. Weakness to fire
  4. Panic
Purple Malphas flower00077E1E0.12
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify sneak
  3. Damage mana
  4. Chymicum: Stamina
Rat meat0003AD6F0.23
  1. Damage stamina regeneration
  2. Damage health
  3. Poison damage
  4. Fortify light armor
Rat skin000526950.51
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Cure disease
  3. Increase arcane fever
  4. Restore health
Ravener egg00023D6F0.52
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify lockpicking
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Resist shock
Red Malphas flower00077E1D0.12
  1. Restore mana
  2. Drain mana temporary
  3. Wolf blood
  4. Fortify mana regenaration.
Red russala0004DA250.212
  1. Damage stamina
  2. Increase arcane fever
  3. Restore health
  4. Fortify handicraft
Red vynroot00106E190.254
  1. Poison damage
  2. Damage stamina
  3. Invisibility
  4. Ambrosia
  1. Damage stamina
  2. Fortify light magic
  3. Panic
  4. Damage health
River snapper00106E1A0.253
  1. Poison damage
  2. Fortify mentalism
  3. Slow
  4. Fortify carry weight
  1. Restore mana
  2. Damage stamina regeneration
  3. Fortify carry weight
  4. Weakness to magic
Rotten firefin000698260.2515
  1. Resist fire
  2. Fortify light magic
  3. Panic
  4. Damage health
Rotten garlic0001C03B0.251
  1. Poison damage.
  2. Slow
  3. Invisibility
  4. Damage stamina
Rotten jagfin000698270.515
  1. Weakness to frost
  2. Fortify sneak
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Fortify light magic
Rotten sunfish000698290.256
  1. Resist shock
  2. Fortify mana
  3. Damage stamina regeneration
  4. Water breathing
  1. Weakness to magic
  2. Fortify light magic
  3. Chymicum: claws
  4. Fortify mana regeneration
Salt root0006ABCB0.15
  1. Damage stamina
  2. Fortify one-handed
  3. Fortify archery
  4. Paralyze
Sheer cap0004DA230.33
  1. Restore health
  2. Increase arcane fever
  3. Paralyze
  4. Chymicum: vitality
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Damage stamina regeneration
  3. Damage health
  4. Resist frost
Small antlers0006BC0B0.12
  1. Weakness to poison
  2. Fortify light magic
  3. Drains stamina
  4. Poison damage
Small pearl000855000.15
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Fortify one-handed
  3. Fortify light armor
  4. Chymicum: swiftness
Specter tooth0003AD6A0.2512
  1. Weakness to frost
  2. Fortify heavy armor
  3. Invisibility
  4. Weakness to fire
Spicy grass00083E640.255
  1. Resist poison
  2. Drain mana temporarily
  3. Fortify mentalism
  4. Restore mana
Spiddal cane00046EE20.255
  1. Weakness to shock
  2. Damage health
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Restore mana
Spider egg0009151B0.25
  1. Damage stamina
  2. Damage mana regeneration
  3. Fortify lockpicking
  4. Fortify archery
  1. Weakness to fire
  2. Fortify block
  3. Weakness to poison
  4. Resist magic
Stain mushroom0004DA000.11
  1. Chymicum: Shock claws
  2. Poison damage
  3. Provoke
  4. Wolf blood
  1. Weakness to fire
  2. Fortify psionics
  3. Restore mana
  4. Fortify mana regeneration
  1. Weakness to magic
  2. Fortify psionics
  3. Fortify mana regeneration
  4. Restore mana
  1. Resist frost
  2. Damage stamina
  3. Ambrosia
  4. Chymicum: swiftness
  1. Weakness to shock
  2. Resist magic
  3. Poison damage
  4. Chymicum: Sturdiness
Troll fat0003AD72115
  1. Resist poison
  2. Chymicum: Shock claws
  3. Provoke
  4. Poison damage
  1. Damage mana
  2. Water breathing
  3. Fortify health regeneration
  4. Fortify sleight of hand
Tyarge fat00148587115
  1. Resist poison
  2. Wolf blood
  3. Invisibility
  4. Poison damage
Vatyr ear0003AD5D0.210
  1. Poison damage
  2. Provoke
  3. Resist poison
  4. Fortify lockpicking
Vatyr eyeball0006BC070.12
  1. Restore stamina
  2. Damage health
  3. Increase arcane fever
  4. Restore health
Vatyr's tongue000889A20.15
  1. Resist fire
  2. Fortify barter
  3. Fortify psionics
  4. Fortify two-handed
Void salts0003AD600.2080
  1. Weakness to shock
  2. Resist magic
  3. Poison damage
  4. Chymicum: shock damage
  1. Poison damage
  2. Damage stamina
  3. Invisibility
  4. Ambrosia
  1. Restore health
  2. Fortify health
  3. Damage stamina regeneration
  4. Increase arcane fever
  1. Paralyze
  2. Water breathing
  3. Slow
  4. Fortify health
Wild berry0006AC4A0.21
  1. Weakness to magic
  2. Fortify mana
  3. Chymicum: vitality
  4. Damage health
Wolf claws0102F0900.15
  1. Wolf blood
  2. Fortify health
  3. Chymicum: swiftness
  4. Fortify sneak
Yellow butterfly wing000727E00.13
  1. Restore health
  2. Fortify barter
  3. Drain stamina
  4. Increase arcane fever

In this table below you can find all alchemy effects and which ingredients have that effect, with the expection of chymica and wolf blood. That is added to a seperate section in a table below this one.

EffectTypeIngredientsDescription and notesAmbrosiaPotionBaldris root, Ghost wrapping, Nightshade, Peaceweed, Thistle.Peaceweed and thistle deliver a weaker version of ambrosia potions and thus lesser arcane fever reduction, but they are very cheap ingredients and easy to acquire in large quantity. Also the item value of this combination has much lower value, despite the frost resistance effect which should raise it.

Ghost wrapping is the most potent ingredient of all ingredients.

Cure diseasePotionBlue dragonfly wing, crab shell, hawk feathers, rat skin.The effect of the potion is the same at level 15 and at level 100, with or without perks from the Rogue memory tree. As such, the potion can also be replaced by keeping hawk feathers in the inventory.Damage healthPoisonDamage manaPoisonDamage mana regeneration.PoisonDamage staminaPoisonDamage stamina!PoisonDamage stamina regenerationPoisonDrain healthPoisonDrain mana temporarilyPoisonDrain staminaPoisonDrains staminaPoisonFortify ArcheryPotionAeterna ears, Juniper berries, Salt root and Spider eggs.Fortify BlockPotionArtichoke, Bee hive comb, Fish scales, Peaceweed and Sporecrown.Fortify carry weightPotionArmillaria, Hawk feathers, River snapper, Root.Fortify ElementalismPotionBee hive husk, Ghost wrapping, Glow dust and Nightshade.Fortify EnchantingPotionBlack claw, Blue butterfly wing, Holly berry, Mana salt and Moon carrot pulp.Any potion mixed with mana salt, has 10 times higher enchanting boost than other combination without it. (No longer true in later versions, see Enchanting potion for more details.)Fortify EntropyPotionBone meal, Feathers, Lavender and Mana salt.Fortify HandicraftPotionFeline cat tooth, Moon carrot pulp, Red russala.All ingredients are equal in potency and the effect lasts 30 seconds. As far as known, it does not boost Handicraft directly. See Handicraft potion for more information.Fortify healthPotionFortify health regenerationPotionFortify Heavy armor.PotionFeline cat tooth, Leucoagaricus and Specter tooth.Fortify Light armorPotionBee hive comb, Bee hive husk, Hawk feathers, Moth wing, Rat meat and Small pearl.Fortify Light MagicPotionDried firefin, Dried jagfin, Longfin, Redfish, Rotten firefin, Rotten jagfin, Salt and Small antlers.Fortify lockpickingPotionFortify manaPotionFortify mana regenerationPotionFortify MentalismPotionDate, Moon carrot pulp, River snapper and Spicy grass.Fortify One-handedPotionBear claw, Bird egg, Black claw, Hawk feathers, Hanging moss, Salt root and Small pearl.Fortify PsionicsPotionArmillaria, Mora tapinella, Sugar, Taproot and Vatyr's tongueFortify Sleight of HandPotionFish eggs, Orange dragonfly wing and Tuber.Fortify sneakPotionBee hive husk, Dried jagfin, Hawk feathers, Human flesh, Kilean freshwater tobacco, Longfin, Powdered mammoth tusk, Purple Malphas flower, Rotten jagfin and Wolf claws.Fortify staminaPotionFortify stamina regenerationPotionFortify Two-handedPotionVatyr's tongueDue to Vatyr's tongue being the sole ingredient which fortifies two-handed, it's not possible to craft potions with this effect in an unmodded Enderal.Increase arcane feverPotionA potion with this effect will increase arcane fever by at least 2%. It can't be used as a poisonous effect.

This effect is always combined with restore health.

InvisibilityPotionBaldris root, Bug egg, Moth wing, Peakdasher egg, Red vynroot, Rotten garlic, Specter tooth, Tyarge fat, and Vynroot.Mana damaged!PoisonPanicPoisonDried firefin, Laundress mushroom, Powdered mammoth tusk, Redfish and Rotten firefin.ParalyzePoisonArtichoke, Human flesh, Mud morrel, Salt root, Sheer cap and Whisperweed.Poison damagePoisonFirefinch egg, Human flesh, Human heart, Nightshade, Rat meat, River snapper, Rotten garlic, Small antlers, Stain mushroom, Tobacco, Troll fat, Tyarge fat, Void salts and Vynroot.Stain Mushroom is the most potent items of all poison damage items.ProvokePoisonFeathers, Human heart, Nessah's heart, Stain mushroom, Troll fat and Vatyr earResist firePotionResist frostPotionResist magicPotionBlack claw, Chicken egg, Enderalean cotton, Ghost wrapping, Glimmerdust, Hammerbird egg, Lavender, Mana salt, Sporecrown, Tobacco and Void salts.Glimmerdust and mana salt are the most potent ingredients for resist magic potions as they are three times more potent than any other combination.Resist poisonPotionResist shockPotionRestore healthPotionBlue dragonfly wing, Bird eggThis effect is always combined with increase arcane fever. The potency of each ingredient is different with always a duration of four seconds. The most potent ingredient is blue dragonfly wing. Birds eggs increase the duration from four to five seconds.Restore manaPotionRestore staminaPotionSlowPoisonGlimmerdust, Large antlers, River snapper, Rotten garlic and Whisperweed.Water breathingPotionCarp, Chicken egg, Dried sunfish, Leafgull egg, Rotten sunfish, Tuber and Whisperweed.Weakness to firePoisonFrost salts, Juniper berry, Powdered mammoth tusk, Specter tooth, Sporecrown and Sugar.Weakness to frostPoisonAeterna ears, Dried jagfin, Fire salts, Leucoagaricus, Longfin, Rotten jagfin and Specter tooth.Weakness to magicPoisonFirefly, Flour, Glimmerdust, Lube oil, Root, Salt, Taproot and Wild berryWeakness to poisonPoisonBaldris root, Bug egg, Dried firefinch, Feline cat tooth Hammerbird egg, Firefinch egg, Leafgull egg Lichen Longfin Peakdasher egg, Ravener egg, Rotten jagfin, Small antlers Spiddal cane and SporecrownWeakness to shockPoisonBee, Feathers, Lichen Spiddal cane, Tobacco, Void salts

In this table, you can find a summary of all chymica effects and the wolf blood effect.

EffectIngredientsDescription and notesChymicum: clawsBear claw, Claws, Human heart and Salt.None of the ingredients have any other chymicum or wolf blood effect.Chymicum: fire clawsFire salts, Lube oil and Orange dragonfly wing.None of the ingredients have any other chymicum or wolf blood effect.Chymicum: frost clawsBlue dragonfly wing, Frost salts, Holly berry, and Peaceweed.None of the ingredients have any other chymicum or wolf blood effect.Chymicum: shock clawsStain mushroom and Troll fat.Chymicum: staminaLavender and Purple Malphas flower.None of the ingredients have any other chymicum or wolf blood effect.Chymicum: sturdinessEnderalean cotton, Fish scales and Tobacco.None of the ingredients have any other chymicum or wolf blood effect.Chymicum: swiftnessBird egg, Fog sponge, Pearl, Small pearl, Thistle and Wolf claws.Chymicum: vitalityDate, Leucoagaricus, Sheer cap, Wild berryNone of the ingredients have any other chymicum or wolf blood effect.Wolf bloodBaldris root, Blue butterfly wing, Blue Malphas flower, Bone meal, Ectoplasm, Fog sponge, Garlic, Red Malphas flower, Stain mushroom, Tyarge fat, Wolf claws.There are a few items which solely increase the transformation duration of wolf blood potions when worn during the brewing process, such as the Weak Shaman Amulet and Arveldhiinn's Heart. Each ingredient does have a different potency. The strongest combination for this effect is wolf claw and tyarge fat.
Alchemy ingredients (Enderal) (2024)


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